HERE COMES THE GLORY OF THE LORD! THE GLORY OF THE LORD! HERE COMES THE GLORY OF THE LORD! THE GLORY OF THE LORD! NO MORE TEARS! NO MORE PAIN! NO MORE FEAR! HERE COMES THE GLORY OF THE LORD! THE GLORY OF THE LORD! I had a dream, life was going as normal, then all sudden I was in a house. There was people everywhere, but not on top of each other. We were seated around the house. The house was moving, the feeling I got was that it was like a cloud. We would move by trucks, some trucks had drivers and others did not. Some understood what was happening, some came to understand what was happening. As I sat in the main room, I noticed my parents were seated next to me. The Lord started with my dad. He spoke to him and only him. I noticed my mom she was filled with Joy. Then the Lord spoke to me, He said YOU ARE ON YOUR WAY HOME! FIRST, WE MUST DISCUSS A FEW THINGS! Then he performed wonderous things so that individuals understood who he was and what was happenin...