King Jesus Christ is calling

My mom and me were discussing health insurance and the fact that we don't have any right now. Which doesn't bother me one bit. In our discussion I said, "I know my sister and you worry about me not having health insurance. I would love to have it, however I know until King Jesus opens the door for that to happen, He has it ALL under control. For those who don't know, I use to work at a local credit union. I knew Our Lord had placed a calling on my life. Two weeks before I quit my job, which by the way I hated, I heard Our Lord say it is time to go. I said Lord if this is you. I will need a sign not just me not wanting to be there anymore. Two week later a member walked in. She knew me, but didn't know me if that makes any sense. She hugged me so tight and said, "Why do I see you walking out that door?" I said ma'am. She looked at me. I leaned over in whisper and said, "My last day is in August." She looked at me and said, "He wants t...