
Showing posts with the label faith

NO Matter What; I Still Follow King Jesus

  I woke up this morning to some pretty bad news this morning. My husband and me have been struggling for a few months now financial. I know most of us have been. However the past few days have been the biggest struggles we have faced so far since we started the Hot Shot business and I quit my job. We are negative in 3 different bank accounts. He text me about 4:30 this morning saying he had just parked. He was suppose to be there by 11:30pm or around there. I immediately asked him is everything ok. He said I had to change a tire and I found out what else was wrong. The drive shaft. He said we can talk about it later.  Well of course I couldn't go back to sleep.  I am just beyond words of not understanding. I know God gives us trials. He is with us in ALL the trials.  I told Him this morning, "My Lord am I praying wrong? I am not doing what you asked? Where am I failing?" Now as I am typing this I believe I am wrong.  The test from King Jesus Christ helps u...