
Showing posts from September, 2024

King Jesus Christ is Our Victor

Good evening my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ. I pray all has been well with each of you. I know it has been a while since I wrote. School has really been something to behold this year that is for sure. For those of you who do not work with children the prophecy from Paul to Timothy is being fulfilled and it is hard truth from God. Thank you Lord for telling us what to expect. There are a lot of people who do not know of the scriptures so they are very lost and scared right now. This is where we come in, Children of Abba Father, Brides of King Jesus Christ, Warriors of the Holy Spirit. We were made for such a time as this, have no doubts about that. We have all been through a lot of different traumas. One person's trauma won't look like the next, but what it does is bring us together as a Body of Christ. Just like the disciples who came from a lot of different sin, they were brought together and cleansed by Our Savior King Jesus Christ. Sometimes they even felt like