7 deadly sins


The 7 Daily Sins

My friends in Christ do you know what the 7 deadly sins are? I am not talking about the movies or the games. I am talking the real 7 deadly sins. The sins that will corrupt your souls with our even realizing you are taking part in them.

These sins are REAL  and they will lead you to hell for eternity.

The best news is our Lord will forgive them, if you are truly sorry for them and go and sin no more.

Let's clarify this statement.

We sin. We sin everyday, That is why we are still here on earth and not in heaven. However we must strive everyday not to sin. 

Lord help us to avoid the nearest occasion of sin. 

See the Lord already knows when you are goin to sin, yet he still forgives us.  Tell me anyone else who will forgive you every time you hurt them without holding a grudge against you. This action is way more than our little brains can even understand.

So lets make sure our souls understand what we are against in this world. 

1.   Lust - a strong passion or longing for, especially for sexual desires, but not limited to just that    Lust can occur at anytime. It occurs when you see someone or something and you want it so bad that you can imagine yourself with it. All you can think about is having it. Having your way with it. It becomes the only thing you can think of or desire. It replaces you drive for God. Examples: You see this hot looking person and you start to think what it would be like to have that person in bed. You start to undress them with your eyes. You see a car and you decide it doesn't matter who gets hurt in the process, all that matters is that I have it. So what if I go bankrupt, I have it now that is all that matters. 

2.    Envy - a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else's possessions, qualities or luck.                                                                                                                                  Envy comes very quickly on you. It occurs when you start to get upset about a person's winning season instead of being happy for them. You start to get jealous of what they have and you don't think they deserve it. You think it should be yours not theirs. You could handle or do it better them, so your try to make them look undeserving of their rewards from their Father.

3.   Greed - intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power, or people.               Greed is one of those that consumes you before you know it. You start to finally gain wins in life and you becomes obsessed with it. You have to have that money, that car, that woman or man, etc. Everything becomes a possession to you instead of just a person, place, or thing. You eventually become someone that no one likes, but will be around to use you. Your soul eventually becomes black. 

4.    Gluttony - habitual greed or excess in eating.                                                                           Gluttony is aligned with greed. Let me explain. greed with material needs. Gluttony  deals with things we put into our temple. I believe addiction would fall under gluttony. When you start to over eat/ under eat, taking pills, drinking till you can't stand anymore, or even HAVING to do these actions daily. When you start to use these things to fill the hole your heart only Christ can fill. This sin is detrimental to your health . Excise with any of these lead to death, maybe not a quick death, but death in the end..

5.    Sloth -  reluctance to work or make an effort; laziness.                                                                     Sloth  is sadly so accepted these days. The generation that should be filling the work force has even tried to figure out a way not to have to work and have us pay them. They say "oh people give me anxiety"  So they are able to receive an SSI check. So sad because to work gives some self worth. You make an action to get out of bed and saying I can do this, world you do not define me. 

6.    Wrath - is great anger that expresses itself in a desire to punish someone                             Wrath we all think we are entitle to this sin. That person hurt me so I have every right to get them back and I will show them never to mess with me again. We usually take our time and plot. WE let hate consume us. Wrath is very dangerous because it can cost you your freedom on earth.

7.    Pride - a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing,                                                                 Pride. There is nothing wrong with being proud of yourself. You should be proud of yourself, What you are not suppose to do is think it was all YOU. YOU are the one who did it. No help from anyone. WRONG. First God gave you the talent, without him you would be nowhere. Second there is always someone or a group of people who encouraged and helped you to where you are. Be proud of your heritage , remember though we are ALL children of God with no skin and a bright soul. In God's eyes we all look the same, but are all unique in who we are to him. He created us all with the same love, grace , and mercy. NO ONE is greater than other.



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