Good evening my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ.

I pray the start of this week has been good and I pray this is a week full of God's AWE.

I started back at school today. It is a new school year. Gearing up for the students to return on Friday. For those of you who may not know I am a paraprofessional in a SPED classroom. I actually do whatever is needed at school. Some think I am crazy for saying, "just put me where you need me." I just love to serve and I love to do whatever King Jesus Christ needs from me for that day.

I have always been this way, but there was a time I would say that not because I wanted to be where Christ needed me. I wanted to fit in. I wanted everyone to like me so I would let people walk all over me in the process. 

 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2

St Paul told the Romans hey don't keep trying to be part of the in crowd. Stop trying to be what the world is trying to make you. Instead get into God's word. In St. Paul's time they didn't have the Bible they had the teaches 1st hand from King Jesus Christ followers. But we have His Words for us to constantly go and read. If you are confused about what the world is telling you is good, but you know inside it is not. Go to your Bible ask God to show you where it is written and help you to understand.

My brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ time is growing short for mankind. Our King is coming. Your choice needs to be made. Your eternity depends on it.

Come home today and be TRANSFORMED BY RENEWING YOUR MIND. Don't CONFORM to this world. We are to live in this world, not be part of this world.

The world will tell you many things are ok, but they aren't. You know that. You feel that. Now ask the Holy Spirit to reveal that and then ask King Jesus Christ to wash you white as snow again.

This world is going to get more and more confusing as the time gets closer. Ask Abba Father to unclog your ears, unveil your eyes, and open your mind to His Wisdom and Knowledge. He is more than happy to do so.

Let us pray

Abba Father thank You so much for this new week. Thank You for helping me understand Your word. King Jesus Christ thank You for Your Life, Your salvation, and forgiveness. Thank You for redeeming and never letting me go. Holy Spirit thank You for being my TRANSFORMER. Thank You for for being my ears, ears, heart, mind, hands, and feet. King Jesus Christ I am sorry for CONFORMING  to this world. Please help me live in this world but not to be part of it. Holy Spirit guide me back home. Be my compass and show me the right path. Abba Father please unclog my ears, unveil my eyes, and open my mind to You Knowledge and Wisdom. I ask this in my Holy Savior's name King Jesus Christ. Amen



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