My friends in King Jesus Christ may he anoint you in a way you have never been before.

Today is not given and neither is tomorrow. What is given is that you will spend eternity somewhere. That somewhere will be either Heaven or Hell. This is where your FREE WILL that God gave you at birth that will let you make a choice. Good or Bad. Will I satisfy God or myself?

Our amazing Father didn’t send us helpless or hopeless in making our choice. He sent his only begotten Son, King Jesus Christ to suffer, die, and be resurrected so that we may have eternity with him in Heaven.

Then after all of that, King Jesus Christ ascended into Heaven. Then God sent us his Holy Spirit, our best friend. His voice when we stray. His help when we seem hopeless. His clam of peace when there seems to be none.

Yet we fail to recognize him. The Holy Spirit is a real person.

He walks with us.

He talks with us.

He shines his light for us when we get lost.

He is our go between God and us.

My friends in King Jesus Christ come home.

This Christmas season lets rewire our minds. Let’s think of how amazing that Our Savior was born. He came to save us from this world. He came that we might have life beyond ourselves.

The road is not an easy road, but it is road we must go down if we want eternity with our Groom.

I know I would rather walk this road then any other. Why? How do I know?

Because have walked a lot of other roads and never found peace.

The road with King Jesus Christ has brought me more peace than I even knew existed.

Talk to The Holy Spirit. He will answer you. He is there. He ALWAYS is.




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