Psalm 140 and John 6:35

David sings to God about protection from the evils of this world. All through Psalm 140, David asks repeatedly about protection from the snarls of the evil one. He knows the dangers that are out there to trip him up. He knew who to ask, The Lord God Almighty.

Then Our God send his only begotten son, King Jesus Christ, “The Bread of Life” John 6:35. God came to give of himself that we could be completely protected from the evil one. One thing we must do is accept King Jesus Christ as Our Lord and Savior. To eat of His body and drink of His blood the everlasting meal of Salvation.

Do we do as David did? Do we sing to God for protection from the snares of the devil? Do we ask King Jesus Christ to be our everlasting meal of Salvation? Do we sing praises of thanksgiving for His protection, His Holy Spirit? I can honestly say I haven’t always. I took for granted God protection for me, assuming it would always be there. I didn’t need to ask because that is what He is supposed to do for me. I got myself in some really bad situations. Situations that I look back on and say God why did you save me? Why did you show me mercy? I can’t say I ever had an answer at that time, but I now know the answer came when Tammy entered my life. See God had something planned for me before I was born, and He wasn’t finished with my story yet. Tammy brought me back to my Salvation meal. She got me going back to church. Yes, I still stumbled, but this time I not only had a friend who loved my soul, I had finally realized that the Soulmate I had been looking for was right in front of me. King Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

See God does do that for us. He protects us; however, He also allows things to happen to us so that we will come back to him.

Come back to him today. Tell him of your hurts, your sadness, your joys, your trails, everything. Yes, He does already know, but He wants to talk to you about them. He wants to heal you today.

Come to the table of plenty and eat of your Salvation Meal, King Jesus body and blood.


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