Every storm has a purpose


Storms will come!
Storms will go!
However God is ALWAYS FAITHFUL through it ALL!

Have you ever thought "why me Lord? Why do I have to continually go so many storms?"

I will be honest there was a time in my life I thought why is God picking on me. Then I had to stop and realize, not ALL storms come from God. A lot of them I created for myself. When you are a fence rider or have totally turned your face away from God. These storms you create ALL on you on, but God still comes to your rescue when you call on Him. Looking back on my life during those times I asked God "Why did you save me? Why would you still want me to win? Haven't I shown my disloyal ways to you?" His answer is and ALWAYS will be, "BECAUSE YOU ARE MY CHILD AND EVEN THOUGH YOU MAY HAVE LOST FAITH IN YOURSELF. I HAVEN'T. I MADE YOU AND I KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU."

See God knows EVERYTHING about. He knows when you are going to sin. He knows when you are going to run to Him and from Him. He even knows that you doubt Him when you say you don't. He knows things that you don't even know yet, but He already knows what He is going to do to help you so that you will Glorify Him.

That is so amazing because in my dark years, I didn't see how I was going to return to Him. I had chosen a very worldly life and King Jesus was not apart of it at all. However I still longed for Him. I missed Him so much but the lies were so loud. However King Jesus NEVER gave up on me.

Storm after Storm the Holy Spirit was right there with me making sure no harm came upon me. Let clarify what I mean about that. I have been beaten, bashied, lied to, gossiped about, talked about others, told secrets, lied about a lot. The Holy Spirit though was right there to make sure I understood that I was making the wrong choices. How? I was NEVER at peace, I had no Joy. I was constantly looking for what I already knew would fill me with everything I needed. What I needed was King Jesus.

So yes EVERY STORM IN YOUR LIFE SERVES AS A PURPOSE, because looking back I only survived because God wanted me to and needed me to.

My friends in King Jesus Christ, don't lose hope if your storm is still around or keeps coming back. Look for the purpose in your storm. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you what that purpose is and then release it to God so that He can calm the storm and you walk out victorious.



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