New Year and a New You


Genesis 1 and Matthew 1

The beginning of the Old Testament and the New Testament start exactly the same, AT THE VERY BEGINNING.

In the beginning God created heaven and earth. Gen 1:1

The book of genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham. Matt 1:1

God leaves nothing untied. In his eyes everything is united when it is in communion with Him.

Abba Father is so loving that he wants us to understand fully of what He is trying to tell us. The bible is no different. It is His words written for us to live by and He wants no confusion about it.

As this new year starts, I pray that we go in with a clear mind, nothing for the enemy to cloud our wisdom that God is trying to give us. We are starting to come to together as a community of brothers and sisters getting ready for the battle of our lives. The spiritual battle for our wedding with Our Groom. The only way we can to this to be in God’s word, His promises, His truths, His love, and MOST OF ALL HIS SPIRIT.

King Jesus Christ is coming soon, and He needs his brides ready for the battle. How do we get prepared. We study His words together. We pray together. We suit up in His armor. WE SURRENDER EVERYTHING WE HAVE TO HIM.

My brothers and sisters be open to what His Holy Spirit must show you, speak to you, give you. As King Jesus told his disciples before he left.

But I will send you the Advocate—the Spirit of truth. He will come to you from the Father and will testify all about me. 27And you must also testify about me because you have been with me from the beginning of my ministry. John 15 26-27

See my brothers and sisters His Spirit was there in the beginning and was how Our Savior was conceived. He is our wedding planner. He is Our Best Friend. He is God the Father and God the Son. The 3 come together as 1.



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