The Epiphany of the Magi


The Magi come to King Jesus


My brother and sisters in King Jesus Christ today we celebrate the Epiphany of King Jesus Christ birth. Today let’s discover what the word epiphany means and how that is related the wise men and to us today.

Epiphany - a usually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something; (2) · an intuitive grasp of reality through something.

The Magi, wise men, set out on a journey to follow a star. They were astrologers. They believed in other gods. They were not Jewish. They left seeking something, they just didn’t really know what that something was. However just like Our God does for us, He puts a burning in our souls to seek King Jesus Christ. Even we don’t realize He is what we are seeking.

The world wraps up the story of King Jesus Christ quickly, but the Magi did not find King Jesus until he was about 2. They found Him with his mother Mary in a home. Matt 2:11. So they were no longer at his birthplace, the manager. The Magi followed the star for 2 years that is why King Herod had all males 2 and younger killed. Matt 2:16. He was furious that the Magi tricked him.

When they saw they child with his mother they fell and worshipped him. Matt 2:1. Then they gave him 3 gifts of importance.

Gold – Kingship

Frankincense – worship

Myrrh – death and mourning

The Magi came as lost sheep but when they saw their Savior, they whole life changed. They avoided King Herod. They sought a different route to get home, not just their worldly home, their eternity.

I don’t know about you, but me I have had several epiphanies in my life. However only 1 stand out above ALL the others. That is the moment I realized I was NOTHING without King Jesus Christ in the center of my life. When I met my Savior, my whole world changed. I try ever day to avoid sin. To live as King Jesus wants me to live.

My brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ I don’t know what you are seeking today. I know that we have ALL been hurt, abused, walked on, talked about, and the list goes on and on, but today be like the Magi and seek what is burning in your heart. Seek your Soulmate today so that King Jesus Christ can finally fill that hole in your heart that you have been trying to fill with everything else.

Come home to your True Family. God the Father, God the son, God the Holy Spirit.

Let this epiphany be the EPIPHANY OF YOUR LIFE.



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