The Holy Spirit your Best Friend Ever


For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and self-control. 2 Timothy 1:7

Remember you are safe in King Jesus Arms!

Run to the arms of your Abba Father!

Do not be afraid of anything in this world!

King Jesus has already conquered it ALL!

Run to your God!

Holy Spirit give your peace to me that I know I am safe with You!

My friends in King Jesus Christ have you ever thought about not doing something because fear has gripped you so bad that you can’t even move. You can’t think. You have no action because the enemy has told you that you can’t handle it.

Well let me share this GREAT NEWS with you today.

Not only can you, but you have the power in you to get it done.

The Holy Spirit isn’t just some ghost or spirit. HE IS A REAL PERSON. Without Him so many things would not have happened.

The world would not have life. He is whom God breathes into you when you are conceived in your mother’s womb.

Noah would not have been able to build the ark.

Abraham would not have went out to find the land promised by God without the guidance of The Holy Spirit.

David would not have conquered Goliath.

Mary would not have conceived King Jesus Christ

King Jesus rose from the dead because The Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit was sent to us on Pentecost so they we would have a direct line to God Himself.

If God went to ALL this trouble to make sure we knew that we need not to fear ANYTHING, then why do we?

The answer is simple, because it is hard to understand that we DON’T NEED TO KNOW WHAT IS NEXT.  That we can trust God and that He has our whole life already planned out. He made us with a purpose and He has the plan. The question is do you trust Him?

We will let a wedding planner, or a life coach tells us what we should be doing for our future.

I say THE HOLY SPIRIT IS THE BEST LIFE COACH AND WEDDING PLANNER YOU WILL EVER MEET. All you have to do is TRUST HIM! He loves you and wants to help you make it to your Groom, King Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Come home my friends, let The Holy Spirit help you to trust the one who made you. Let Him take you hand today and let Him take the lead. I promise you won’t regret the decision.




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