

I don't know about you, but I let so much steal my focus.

I wake up in the morning and say, "OK Lord. Today I am focused on doing YOUR work and writing for YOU."

I start my worship and praise. I am doing what I need to do to get my son ready for school. Then I wake him up, usually a struggle. Then I allow everything else to distract me.

I drop him off at school. 

I get home and say I will eat breakfast, watch a quick show while I eat, then I will sit at the computer to write and pray.

Then comes the next distraction. Sometimes it is the TV, sometimes it's worry, other times it's looking at the house and seeing it needs to be cleaned. Then I let it ALL overwhelm me and I don't do anything.

I sit and I let it flow over me and drain everything out of me.

I want so bad to please Abba Father that I become upset with myself and think well what good is it now for me to do anything.

King Jesus Christ said we are to be like the virgins and have our lamps ready at anytime because no one knows when the bridegroom will be here.

I have definitely been failing at this.  I have let the enemy consume my mind with everything but what I need to be doing for The Kingdom of God.

I know the promises of God. I know He only wants my heart and for me to give Him back the talents that He gave me to complete my purpose for Him.

In these last days you must accept the Holy Spirit into your life and let Him lead you.

You must not depend on your own strength but that of the Holy Spirit.

Also give yourself some grace just as God gives you grace each morning.

See God doesn't expect perfect  children. He wants obedient children.

He wants the brides of Christ to serve and love Him will ALL YOUR HEART, ALL YOUR SOUL, AND ALL YOUR MIND.

He is a jealous God. 

He wants to be the only God in your life. 

King Jesus Christ says take up your cross and follow me. He already knows what your cross is. The questions is are you able to admit to yourself what your cross is or do you do everything to avoid your cross.

King Jesus Christ didn't avoid His. He took up His Cross which lead to our Salvation.

Ask your Savior today to help you with your cross. 

Ask Him to forgive you for allowing the distractions to take your focus off of Him.

Then forgive yourself for doing it.

Come to the banquet table.

Come sit with the other sinners who have asked for forgiveness.

The table is big. 

Tha banquet hall is getting for the wedding feast.

I know it is something I don't want to miss.

Do you?



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