Cares v/s worry


CARE - feel concern or interest; attach importance to something.

WORRY - give way to anxiety or unease; allow one's mind to dwell on difficulty or troubles.

Good morning my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ.

So my husband and me were having a conversation yesterday. One of our normals about bills and our future. Interesting enough this time the word CARE came into play. Of course when we were in the "heat" of the conversation, I was like you are right I don't care I trust God. Then he got aggravated and we moved on.

This morning as I was getting ready to go out with my son, Our Lord brought back the conversion and said, "THERE IS A DIFFERENCE IN CARING AND WORRYING." I continued to pray and listen some more.

See my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ it is ok to CARE about someone, something, anything. It is WORRY  they we are not to be part of. Yes it is a slippery slope and a fine line between the two.

Your CARE turns into WORRY when you take your eyes off of Christ. You make that CARE your god. You try to manage it ALL on your own instead of turning to the ONE who already has it ALL UNDER CONTROL. GOD ALMIGHTY.

God CARES ABOUT EVERYTHING CONCERNING YOU, so there is NEVER  a reason to WORRY. He already knows what you need before you even know that you need it.

My brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ go forth in your day with confidence that Abba Father cares and needs you to not worry. He has already taken CARE of it.



  1. This is a much needed reminder as we face the crumbling of our hard fought for society. When it looks as though the enemy is winning we can rest in Christ…… knowing that HE is in control. As we join in the spiritual battle our use of the weapons Jesus gave us will win each skirmish!

    1. Onward and Upward! Keep going!


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