Good afternoon my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ.

Today let's talk about how GOD KNOWS YOUR NAME!

I know growing up it was so important to me to be popular. I wanted everyone to know my name. I was a popular girl in school. I was known for my kindness and always being happy. But the truth is I really wasn't. I was happy when I was at church, but the world set in and I lost that so quick. I forgot that God knows my name. I felt so damaged that how could He know my name. I went and did things that should make Him hate me. However Our God doesn't work like that.

See my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ, HE KNOWS YOU! 

You are not a mistake!

You are created on purpose with a purpose!

No matter what this world tells you about not belonging here. It is just a lie from the master of liars, satan.

Abba Father formed you in your mother's womb. He took His time in forming you. He formed you with a love no one else will ever give you. I know you will say that can't be true, but it is. No matter the places you put yourself in and get yourself into. King Jesus Christ is still right there with, holding you and loving you.

The Holy Spirit is given to us to help to continue the molding of our purpose Abba Father put into us when we were formed in our mother's womb.

Nobody can separate us from Him. That is only an action that we think we can do, but God still knows your name.

Brother and sister in King Jesus Christ

God knows your name! 

He will not forget it!

King Jesus Christ  died on the cross for your sins!

The Holy Spirit lives you!

Come to the table of plenty and ask for King Jesus Christ forgiveness today and accept Him as your Lord and Savior!

Then watch the work He started in you begin to finish.

Come alive for your Lord today and live!



  1. Lord, please remind me often that you have made me uniquely yours for your divine purpose and that you created me in your image. I love you, Lord. Thank you for loving me unconditionally always.


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