Happy Surrender Sonday

 Good afternoon my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ!

Happy Sonday!

Today is my favorite day of the week.

It is the day I get to go to church and thank God for ALL He has done for me this past week.

I get to give Him PRAISE AND HONOR!

Today is a great day to SURRENDER to Him.

I find myself taking things back I have SURRENDER to Him or I hold things back from full SURRENDER to Him.

I am not quite sure why I do that. However I am getting better at it. The Holy Spirit definitely has been helping me with it. When I start to doubt and pull my SURRENDER BACK. He is there to nudge me and say. HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING? WHY ARE YOU DOUBTING WHAT WE HAVE ALREADY SHOWN YOU THAT WE CAN DO!.


SURRENDER is another one of those things that is hard. We want things to move faster than how God might be moving at that time. So we think hey I can do this faster and better. But we know that isn't true. 

When we take our SURRENDER back or don't give it to Him in the first place. We mess everything up and usually it puts us further back than we need to be. At least for sure it makes the journey so much harder.

Come home today and know that your SURRENDER is never in vain. It is what we must do in order to have peace in our lives.

Let us pray together today for SURRENDER.

Abba Father it's me your child again. I want to thank You for Your love for me. Thank You for my life. Thank You for the people You have been leading into my life. I thank You for Your Son King Jesus Christ. I thank You for Your Spirit. Today Abba I come to Your Throne Room. King Jesus Christ I come to the foot of Your cross. I come to lay my SURRENDER to You. I know I keep taking it back from You and I am sorry. I am sorry that I hold my FULL SURRENDER back from You. Holy Spirit come and fill me with peace and acceptance so that I am able to lay my SURRENDER DOWN once and for all. I love You so much God. I know what You have for me is better than anything I could ever want for myself. So today I give to You whatever is not of You in my life so that I can become one with You again. I ask this in the name of my Savior King Jesus Christ. Amen

My brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ you are doing a great job. Keep your heads up, eyes focused, and ears opened to One who made you.

He will never let you go.



  1. 🫶🫶🫶

  2. This is very well written! Thank you. It is so human of us to surrender and keep taking it back and so Fatherly of Him to keep taking it from us. He knows what we need and what the perfect answer is to each of our problems, but it is so hard for us to wait patiently on His timing and His answer that is usually so unlike what we think it should be. We are fortunate to have such a loving Father.
    When we keep taking it back and worrying about it, I often picture him rolling his eyes over how stubborn we can be and the needless time we but forth in such a vain attempt when we refuse to completely surrender the problem.


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