I have a friend in God

Good evening my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ.

Today was a busy day. It was a great day.

I was finally able to spend the morning with a very dear friend of mine. Her and me have been trying to get together for quite a few months now. Our Lord was gracious enough for us to spend time together.

My question for you today is:

Do you know that you have a best friend who is 3 persons in one?

God is your Best Friend.

There is Abba Father who created and formed you in your mother's womb. He loves and molds you into the person He created you to be with a purpose.

There is King Jesus Christ who came to this world. He died and rose so that you would have salvation.

There is the Holy Spirit who is with you everyday. Helping you reach Heaven.

They work together as One True God who loves you more than any person in this world could.

Friends will come and go throughout your whole life. They will love you, but at some point they do hurt you. Sometimes they don't mean to and other times they do.

See my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ we are imperfect here on earth. We should be striving to be like King Jesus Christ, but we fail. 

I know throughout my life I have hurt people. I have been selfish. I have been stupid. I have been jealous. I have been angry. The list goes on and on. This is when we hurt the ones we love. 

However God doesn't hurt us. We may think that there are times that He has, but if we are honest it wasn't Him. It was something that either you got yourself into or a situation you had no business being in.

The great thing about your Best Friend is He will forgive you, just ask Him to.

God is waiting to talk with you.

Abba Father says come and sit in my lap and let's talk.

King Jesus Christ says come and let me wrap my arms around you and let's talk.

The Holy Spirit says come and let me enter you and let's talk.

Are you ready to talk to Him?



  1. We each are God’s favorite child. We are so fortunate to be His children and to have His unconditional love always.


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