

Good evening my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ.

I pray your Sunday was full of worship and praise for God along with rest.

Today at church the priest spoke about OBEDIENCE and how it is the key to everlasting life with God in Heaven.

To be obedient is a hard thing, especially these dark days. The world continues to say to rely on oneself for everything. Don't listen to them. You are your own person. However if we are honest then we are being OBEDIENT to something that is not God.

When I was growing up I was taught the 10 commandments. I was taught to obey God, my parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers, pretty much anyone older than me.It was called respect. It didn't hurt me actually it taught me a lot. It helped when I got older and it was time for me to go get a job. We all know if you don't obey the rules at work then you will be fired. 

So how do we apply this to our Spiritual life?

Well King Jesus said, "Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them." John 14:23

This is a very powerful statement. If you OBEY what King Jesus Christ teaches us in the Gospels then Abba Father will love you. Then Abba Father and King Jesus Christ together will come to you and make Their home in you. WOW!

Yes God loves you no matter what you do, but He will not make His home in an unclean temple. The one thing He ask is for us to be OBEDIENT to His word.

Let me explain a little more. 

The commandment says LOVE YOUR LORD GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, MIND AND SOUL. But do we, let's be honest. I know when I worry or I don't give Him the glory. There is no way I am LOVING HIM WITH MY WHOLE HEART, MIND, AND SOUL. 

Look I fail everyday at OBEDIENCE. I strive to do exactly what God asks of me each day, but I get tired. I get distracted. 

So when this happens just come back to King Jesus Christ ask for HIs forgiveness. Tell Abba Father that you are getting back up and going to try again.

Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you into OBEDIENCE. He will help you. He wants to help you. Let Him help you.

I love you each of you my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ.

I pray that you rest in King Jesus Christ.




  1. This is the key: OBEDIENCE! I love God and I want to try my best to always be obedient to his word.

  2. Holy Father, please teach me to be obedient to you. Amen.

  3. Jesus Christ is seen as the ultimate example of obedience to God. Striving to be more like Jesus everyday.


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