Steadfast Saturday


Happy STEADFAST Saturday my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ!

STEADFAST - firmly fixed in place: IMMOVABLE

What do you think of when someone says the words STEADFAST?

Do we show each other STEADFAST anything?

I know I would love my answer to be YES, but I must be honest with you, my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ. I strive to show King Jesus Christ and how STEADFAST anything looks. 

I fail everyday with this task. Example: I want so to show my husband STEADFAST patience and love aka mercy. However, he can get under my skin and as soon as we are done talking; I walk off or he does, and I immediately start saying things that are not very nice. Things I should go back and ask forgiveness for from him. There are days when I do ask for forgiveness and days I don't. I try to show STEADFAST mercy and love with my son, but I fail at that also. He is 12 and very smart and head strong. So many questions that I don’t seem to know the answer to. Must of the time I am not STEADFAST with Abba Father. I would love to say I am in my body, mind, and soul. However, that would mean I am perfect, and I am so far from being perfect.

See my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ, HE IS STEADFAST IN EVERYTHING TO US. He has a STEADFAST LOVE, MERCY, GRACE, FORGIVENESS, PROMISES, and the list goes on and on for us His brides. No matter what we do in our actions, words, or heart. He is still STEADFAST with ALL His promises.

How has God shown you, His STEADFASTNESS?

I will start.

We have been struggling financial lately. Just like we all have been, but I started to grow wary of how He was going to take care of my family and me. I know beyond any doubt that He will, but I let the enemy in and grew very wary. However, His Holy Spirit came and showed me that I don’t have to do ANYTHING on my own. He has led me to this wonderful group of brothers and sisters that love me and pray for me. King Jesus Christ said, “be specific in prayer.” Matt 20:30-34. Yes, we can pray for each other, but it is better when we know exactly what needs to be prayed for. There is power in it.

Let the Holy Spirit show you His STEADFAST LOVE, GRACE, AND MERCY. Let IT shine through you so the world can see the MIGHTY GOD WE SERVE!



  1. He showed me mercy and love as I was worried my little Yorkie wouldn’t make it. But praise God she is now home with us doing well 🙌🙌🙌🙌

  2. I’m grateful that he remains Steadfast in all ways, especially when I am overwhelmed. Knowing that He is always there and that I can turn to Him over and over is reassuring to me. His steadfast love endures forever!

  3. What a powerful message. God’s steadfast love is shown to us every time we breathe, move and in our every walk of life. Thank You Jesus!


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