Eternity with God

 Good evening my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ.

I pray that everyone is good and safe.

There were so many different topics we talked about at my brothers.

One of the topics being discussed was his oldest son graduates this coming year. His mom was on him about research of colleges and what their programs are and what they have to offer. The question from us was, "Where are you going to college? What will be your major?" 

Now on the other hand my niece is going into her 2nd year at college. She is in pre-med. Seems to know exactly what her 5, 10, 15, 20 year plan is.

Have you had people ask you,"Where do you see yourself in 5, 10, 15, 20 years from now?

I have especially heard these question at job interviews. I never really knew how to answer them because I don't have a plan like that. I live day to day. Relying on God to get me to the next. It drives my husband crazy. It drives my dad crazy at times also.

Now don't get me wrong it is great to have plans. Things you know that you want to accomplish. When making these plans just make sure you are in line with God's Will, because things change at the drop of a hat. Then it seems like your world falls apart.

My question for you today is Where are you spending ETERNITY?

ETERNITY is a much longer time than a 5, 10,15, 20 year plan.

Do you think about your ETERNITY? Does the thought scare you?

I know thinking about FOREVER time not here on this earth is scary. The place we only know. The place where we feel the most comfortable.

The truth be told thinking about Heaven and hell seems like something you don't need to worry about right now. 

You do know they are both REAL places. One of these places is where you will spend your ETERNITY.

My brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ, I have had a vision of hell. The grinding of teeth and the screams were so unbearable I begged our Savior to stop the vision. It was the most horrible thing I ever experienced. This is why I have such a passion to tell of King Jesus Christ salvation. Hell is not a place I would even wish on to my worst enemy. 

I can't imagine being separated from God for ETERNITY. I was separated from Him long enough on this earth when I went and choose my flesh over Him.

Come home to day my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ and find Him. Seek Him with EVERYTHING you have. Ask The Holy Spirit to show you what is keeping you from finding King Jesus Christ. Ask Abba Father for HIs help in living in His WIll.

Just come home and let God be your God today.

Let us pray

Abba Father thank You for being my God. KIng Jesus Christ thank You for being my God. Holy Spirit thank You for being my God. Abba Father I want to live in Your plan for my life. I want to be in Your will and not my own. King Jesus Christ forgive me for making plans without You. Forgive me for being focused on the future and not on what You need me to do for Your kingdom here on earth. Holy Spirit come and show me what is taking my focus off of what God has for me. Holy Spirit I want you to take the lead. King Jesus Christ I want you as my Savior. I accept You Abba Father. I accept You King Jesus Christ. I accept You Holy Spirit. I want to live in ETERNITY with You God. I want to be with You forever. Amen.



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