Finish the race! God is with you!

Good afternoon my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ.

Today has been busy. Getting ready to live for vacation with my parents and son. Heading to  see my brother, sister-in-law, niece, and nephews. We are so excited. It has been a couple of years since we have seen them all.

First thing I did was get my parent's and my yard mowed, the tricky thing is there is a hurricane about 2 hours down the road from us. 

My brothers and sisters in Texas know I am praying for ya'll. 

My mom didn't really want my dad and me to do it. However my dad was like I don't want the grass to be over grown so people will think there is nobody here. So I got up at 7:00am and started. He only wanted the parts people could see mowed. 

As I was mowing The Spirit spoke to me and said YOU NEED TO FINISH THE WHOLE THING.

I was like OK.

So then I started to think, "How does this compare to my spiritual life."

Then He showed me the answer.

See my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ, there will ALWAYS be storms ,chaos, and craziness around you. There will be things to take you off track from following Abba Father's purpose for you.

However you must finish the race. You must continue on with your purpose from Abba Father. The great news is that He has equipped you with exactly what you need to accomplish this goal.

He sent His only Begotten Son, King Jesus Christ, to this world to give us salvation and a guide book on how to do everything He ask of us. The Gospels and His words.

He then sent His Holy Spirit to be our guide and compass to return home to Him in Heaven. The Holy Spirit is ALWAYS with you. Holding your hand and tugging at your heart to make the right choices to help you in your purpose.

Come to home today and seek God and let Him finish what He started in you so that you can finish the race.

Let us pray

Abba Father thank You for another day to get it right. Thank You that you have sent Your Spirit to help us complete what You have started in us. King Jesus thank You for always loving me. I ask for Your forgiveness today for being lazy in my purpose. I ask for Your forgiveness when I keep my eyes on the storm and not You. I want to finish the race. I want to keep my focus on You. Holy Spirit please help me finish the race. Help me not be lazy in my actions, thoughts, and words. May I be the representation that God needs on this earth. May I shine for Your today. I ask this in my Holy Savior's name King Jesus Christ. Amen



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