Give me s sign God!


Good evening my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ.

I have been enjoying my time visiting with my brother and his family.

I know I missed my blog yesterday but my mind as been so drained and the rest has been wonderful.

I had a friend talk to me about signs today.

I started to think about signs. Signs I thought God was sending me and signs God did send to me but I missed because I wanted it to be a different sign.

Do you know what I am talking about?

I missed out on so many things in my life. I got my feelings hurt so many times because I wasn't intune into The Holy Spirit. In better words I wasn't relying on The Spirit for my discernment. I was relying on my own understanding. Oh boy does that get you into things you really don't want to be in or need to be in. 

See my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ, God will send you signs. He sometimes sends them clearly and other times not so much. The best way to see any sign from God is to be living in The Spirit so that you can have the eyes of Christ.

We want things so bad that we are willing to take any sign that comes our way. However there is an enemy who would love to send you a sign and that sign leads to your destruction.

Abba Father will never have you confused.

King Jesus Christ will help you through anything you might be confused about.

The Holy Spirit will be your mind, eyes, and ears to lead you out of the confusion and back to Your Creator's Will.

Come home today and seek King Jesus Christ forgiveness and seek the eyes of God so that you can see the signs that are given to you from Your Father in Heaven.

Lets us prayer

Abba Father thank you for this week. Thank You for loving me. King Jesus Christ thank You for your forgiveness and light in my life. Holy Spirit thank You for being my mind, eyes, and ears. Thank You, God for the signs You send into my life. King Jesus Christ I ask for Your forgiveness today for ignoring the signs that I have asked You to send to me. Please forgive me for thinking that You sent something that was not of You. Abba Father I am sorry for thinking You would lead confusion into my life. King Jesus Christ please help me through any  confusion I have brought into my life. Holy Spirit open my mind, eyes, and ears to be lead out of any confusion that I have allowed to enter my life. Help me see the signs my Father has sent to me and help me walk back into Abba Father's will. I ask this through my Savior's Holy Name KIng Jesus Christ. Amen



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