God makes paths straight

 Good evening my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ.

My family and me have made it to the hotel for the night. We will continue on to my brother's in the morning.

As my mom was driving today we missed an exit and had to go a little out of the way to get back on the right path.

Have you ever lost your way? Was it a while before you found your way back to where you were supposed to be?

I know I have. I lost my way from Our Lord for almost 30 years. I went and lived in my flesh and the world. I would like to say it was because of the enemy, but it wasn't. He was there, but I was very much a willing participant with everything he put in front of me.

However King Jesus Christ hunted me down like the True Savior He is. He sent a rescue to my life. He picked me back up, dusted me off, and set me back on the straight path.

My brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ if you are feeling lost. Know that there is Someone. Some bodies who are One that want you to know that They can get you back on the right path.

Abba Father is sitting in His Throne Room looking at your picture right now, He is seeing you as He made you. He is waiting for you to ask for His Help.

King Jesus Christ is knocking at your door. Do you hear Him? He is saying let Me come and be in your heart, mind, and soul. Let Me take ALL your broken pieces and make the most beautiful stained glass window so the world can see My Light through you.

The Holy Spirit is in you wanting to show you the correct path to Heaven. He wants to live in you and through you so the other lost sheep know how to get home.

It doesn't matter how lost you are, one touch from God and you will be right where you are supposed to be with Him.

Come home today, seek forgiveness, start your new path and live.

Let us pray

Abba Father thank You for this day. Thank You for making crooked paths straight. Thank You for knowing me and loving me. King Jesus Christ I thank You for hunting me down and loving me. Holy Spirit thank You for always being with me. Abba Father I humbly ask today that You create a new heart in me. A heart that is no longer hardened but open to receiving Your Son King Jesus Christ into. King Jesus Christ forgive me for not accepting You into my heart and ignoring Your knock. I hear Your knock and yes please enter my heart today. Holy Spirit come and guide me back into the right direction, the direction back home to Heaven. Holy Spirit You are welcomed here. I ask this through My Savior's Holy Name King Jesus Christ. Amen.



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