God will RESTORE!


Good evening my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ.

I am sitting here watching the rain fall and speaking to a precious sister of mine in the Lord. As we were talking the subject of RESTORATION came up. 

I have been spending a lot of time with my son since it has been raining so much where I live. My yard is starting to look like a lake. I want to spend as much time as I can with him before he gets to that age where he doesn't want to hang with his mom anymore.

As I watch this rain fall and think about what waste of a day it might bring. It makes me think of the years I wasted being away from God. The days I wish I could have back so that I wouldn't lose any time with Him. 

Do you know what I am talking about?

The years, the days, the time one chooses their own desires  and not God's Will. Now don't get me wrong. Some of these times one may have been in survival mode. Just trying to get by. Maybe someone else hadn't been introduced to King Jesus Christ yet. However that might look for that person it still feels like wasted time because we were separated from Our Creator.

However it might have seemed like wasted time to me, it wasn't wasted time to Our Lord. He used that time to build my testimony and refine me. He does the same for everyone.

The word RESTORATION is mentioned 136 times in the Bible from Genesis all the way to Revelations. I would say this is not only a TRUTH spoken by God, it is also a PROMISE. We know that ALL PROMISES AND TRUTHS  from God come to pass.

I personally have been on a road of RESTORATION with Our Lord ever since my 1st vision in 2020 of Him. He has brought me back to places where I first encountered Him. He has brought people back into my life that I met through Him years ago. People that I would do youth retreats with and went to church with. 

See my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ He will RESTORE the years that the locust devoured. It will come at His pace. It will came when you least expect it. 

RESTORATION is not something you can control. It is something given freely from Our Lord as a reward for coming back to Him.

Come back to God today and let Him start to RESTORE the things that the enemy stole from you. Come back and receive your reward.

Let us pray

Abba Father thank You for this day. Thank You for Your RESTORATION PROMISES. King Jesus Christ thank You for taking me into Your Arms and loving me and healing me. Holy Spirit thank You for the work that You are doing in me. Abba Father I will serve You and watch how You RESTORE me back to new. King Jesus Christ I will be Your Hands and Feet to serve for You. Holy Spirit pour over me the cup of RENEWAL so that I am able to serve with You. I know Your plan for me God is greater than anything I could ever want, so come and finish what You have started in me. I ask this in my Holy Savior's Name King Jesus Christ. Amen



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