Rest in The Lord


Good evening my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ.

I am home from visiting my brother and his family. It was a wonderful visit. Eye opening at times, revealing at times, however it was mostly great conversations and laughing. They have 4 kids and I have my one. So to watch them all enact with each other was great. 

I can imagine that is how God sees us. At times it is wonderful to watch His children enacting with each other. Times that we make Him happy and other times make Him sad and still other times very angry. Thank You Lord at the end of the day You still love us. Just as we should still love one another.

Yesterday's journey home was a very long journey. My parents coolant tank we found out has cracks in it. We found out because all of sudden the car overheated. God was still there with us as He always is. The first time we had to pull over was in a parking lot of a warehouse that sold items to grocery stores and convenience stores. The gentleman who ran the warehouse brought us out very cold water and asked if my son could have an ice cream. Then when my son came back out the man had given us all a large ice cream sandwiches. Thank you God for that relief cool relief. It was hot outside. My dad had lost the cap to the coolant tank and could not find it.There was a Walmart not even 500 yards away from us. We were able to make our way there. Two wonderful gentlemen in the service department came and located the cap for us. We tried to pay them but they wouldn't take our money. They did however take a hug from my mom and me. I told them that we would be praying for them and I know God will bless them.

After 13 hours of driving home, which should have only taken us 10 hours. God saw us home safely and oh are we all so tired.

Rest is what we require, but haven't really done yet. There was the yards to mow and a pool to clean. Groceries needed to be bought and food still cooked. However we need rest.

Do you know that spiritually you need rest?

I know I try to go and go for God. I get aggravated with myself when I  miss a day of writing thinking that The Lord is upset with me because I didn't write for Him today. Then Abba Father reminds me,"THAT IS JUST A LIE FROM THE ENEMY." 

If we don't rest then our minds get tired. Our souls get tired. 

What happens when you get tired?

A lot happens. You begin to sin. I know that sounds crazy but you do. 

See my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ when we become tired we start to seperate from Our Creator. We become agitated, we become angry, we start to show cracks that the enemy is more than happy to take a pickaxe to and starts to chip away at you.

Come home today and rest in you Father's lap

Let King Jesus Christ hold you in His Arms.

Let The Holy Spirit fill you with peace and calm. 

Let Your Lord mend you back together so that you can rise up in VICTORY and get back to your Father's Business.

Don't let the enemy steal the work King Jesus Christ has started in you.

Let us pray:

Abba Father thank You for this great day. Thank You for loving me and accepting me for who I am. Thank You for not leaving me the way I am. King Jesus Christ thank You for reminding me that I need rest and that You provide rest for me. Holy Spirit thank You for living in me and for the correction you bring to me. King Jesus Christ  forgive me when I am stubborn and don't want to rest. Abba Father forgive me for neglecting that I need to rest so that I am able to continue with Your business and not my own. Holy Spirit shower down on me peace so that I can rest and refill me with a zeal like never before. Let me rise up in You King Jesus Christ and shine with You Holy Spirit. Shine so bright in me that this dark world knows who I love and serve and that is You Lord God and You alone. I ask this in my Holy Savior's name King Jesus Christ. Amen



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