Are you preparing for King Jesus Christ return


Good evening my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ.

It is Thursday evening where I live or as some say Friday eve. 

It has definitely been a very busy week preparing for the new school year.

As I have been talking about how we are preparing at school for our students to arrive. There has been classes that we have been attending. The classrooms are getting prepared for the students to enter. We are really excited about this year.

I have been running around my house this evening making sure I have my son prepared for the morning as he will be attending public school for the 1st time ever in his life. He will be attending the school I am at.

My question for you tonight is ARE YOU PREPARING FOR THE RETURN OF KING JESUS CHRIST? Are you ready? Are you excited about His Return?

I would love to say YES I AM. However that would be a lie. I try everyday to live a life that I would know I would leave in that cloud with Him. But there are times I am like. Thank You Lord it was not today.

I know I need to prepare because He is coming.

My brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ if you haven't accepted Him yet or if you are a fence rider. It is time. Time to get off that FENCE. It is time to accept Him and receive Him.

Abba Father will gives us His wisdom and Knowledge when asked.

The Holy Spirit will enlighten the areas in your life that need to be exposed so that you are ready, Just ask Him.

KIng Jesus Christ is Your Lord and Savior. He is the only way to get to Heaven. HE IS THE GATEWAY.

Come home today and get prepared for King Jesus Christ Arrival.

Come home today and seek Your Savior.

Let us pray.

Abba Father thank You for Your everlasting love for me. Thank You for wanting me. King Jesus Christ thank You for Your Salvation and being the door so that I can enter Heaven. Holy Spirit thank You for exposing to me what I need to do so that I can get to Heaven. King Jesus Christ forgive me for not preparing for You. Forgive me for taking Your Return for granted. Holy Spirit come and expose the areas in my life that I am a fence rider in and expose my laziness to be prepared. I ask this in my Holy Savior's Name King Jesus Christ. Amen.



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