Flexible Friday

 Good evening my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ.

Happy Friday!!!!

Well school started this morning and it was a great day.

I can say my day did not go as I thought it would. I thought I would be in my classroom helping the front office input some more student's cards. Then I hear my name over the loudspeaker. Mrs. Mouton report to the nest building. 

For those who are not familiar with what the "nest" program is, it is the advance classes. The teacher I was supposed to be an aide to for 4th and 5th hour was also the 6th and 7th grade nest math teacher. She quite last Thursday which left no teacher for those classes or mine. 

I was called the be in all the classes she was going to teacher until the new teacher is hired. To say I was a little taken back would be an understatement, but I gathered my stuff and went across campus as I was asked to do so by the principal.

I try to live by, "OK Lord where do you need me today. I am here to serve you."

Then the question arose in my mind. How flexible are we for God.

This world has so many different turns and curves we need to get flexible. We need to get out of our comfort zones and be ready to serve no matter how that looks.

My brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ do you realize that being flexible and obedience go hand and hand.

Abba Father went to His son and said I need You to go to Earth and save My People. I am so thankful that He was FLEXIBLE AND OBEDIENT to His Father so that we have salvation.

Come home today and ask the Holy Spirit to make you more FLEXIBLE for God. Ask Him to help with your obedience to your Maker.

Abba Father is longer for you to be FLEXIBLE AND OBEDIENT.

King Jesus Christ has shown us how that looks.

Time is now be be FLEXIBLE and not complain when God says I need you here not there.

Let us pray

Abba Father thank You for this day. Thank You for allowing us to serve You in so many different ways, ways we could never even imagine. King Jesus Christ thank You for showing us how to be FLEXIBLE and OBEDIENT. Thank You for Your Salvation. Holy Spirit thank You for helping me in ways I never knew I needed help in. King Jesus Christ forgive me today. Forgive me for not be FLEXIBLE. Forgive me for not being OBEDIENT. Holy Spirit help me to become more FLEXIBLE for God. Help me be more OBEDIENT. Help me not be offended and complain when I am asked to do things that I feel I should not be asked to do. I ask this in my Holy Savior's Name King Jesus Christ. Amen



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