Wounded Warrior for King Jesus Christ


My brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ good evening.

I wanted to share with you tonight my reflection I had from my day today.

Every day I come home and reflect and pray about my day.

I can honestly say that today was one of the roughest days I have had since I started my ministry and most definitely the hardest, I have had as a paraprofessional. Most of the students’ behavior is bad this year. It always makes me think of the letter Paul wrote to Timothy about the end times. How everything would be backwards. If you haven’t witnessed it or seen it on the news and social media, then please ask God to tear the veils from your eyes. I had 3 students verbally attack me in the classroom at the same time. I was ready to walk out and leave today, but I know I wouldn’t really do it. I love these kids no matter how hard it is to love them. Sometimes I am hard for God to love me too.

As I was talking with my mom, I told her that, this warrior for Christ is wounded but I am going home and spending time with my Father in Heaven. I will let King Jesus Christ heal me and bring me back together. I will let the Holy Spirit come and bring me peace and a NEW ZEAL FOR OUR LORD tomorrow.

She then said are you suiting up. I said YES. My husband, son, and me invite the Holy Spirit in to fill us, then Emmanuel wraps us up in the Armor. Then I talk about weapons will form but they will not prosper and that is a truth and promise from Our God and ALL truths and promises come to fulfillment, so wrap us in a bubble and whatever weapons form will bounce back off us and go to the pits of hell. After that we say the St. Michael the Archangel prayer.

My brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ the battle is real out there. I am so thankful that God gives us so many things to help us in this battle, but we must sit back and let The Spirit of God lead us in this battle. He already knows what the battle has in it. He knows how to protect us. The best strategy to have is PRAISE, WORSHIP, AND PRAY. Never underestimate the power of these three. They will move mountains.

I was caught off guard today. I should have been more ready, but I am human.

Do not underestimate the enemy. He is hiding around the corner ready to devour you if you let him.

Wounded warriors remember. You didn’t lose any battle. It is just time to come and let God cover you with His Feathers. Then rise the next day ready to step out and help the lost sheep. Remember you were lost at one time too. I know I was.

Let us pray.

Abba Father I humbly come to Your Throne tonight. Your child is tired and wounded. Thank You for allowing me and using me as Your Vessel today. Today I was blindsided by the enemy. I am sorry King Jesus Christ for letting my flesh get in the way of allowing Your Spirit to lead me. Holy Spirit come and bring me peace. Let me focus only on being refilled by My Lord. Then fill me up with Holy Zeal and Boldness so that when I awake I am ready to shine of My God again tomorrow. I am Your Vessel oh Lord. Use me as You see fit. I ask this in my Holy Savior's name King Jesus Christ. AMEN


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