Fitting in

We all long to FIT in someway or another. Some places, people, and even things that we try to FIT in with; we have no reason being anywhere near. We try to be part of a puzzle we were never intended to be included in, in the first place. Does anyone know what I am talking about? I know I have. In the beginning stages of my adulthood I tried to find the pieces on my own, trying fill voids with material things, drugs and sex. . It was not my place to find what was lost. That is only our SOULMATE'S JOB. The chapter in my life that involved this was a very dark time in my life. I hated myself so much. I felt dirty/unclean. I had let a man defile my body when I was 6. Yes I know now that none of that was my fault. However at the time I didn't seek my Soulmate's advice. I leaned on my own understanding. Why would God even care care about a child who has already lost her virginity before marriage. I was a disgrace to my family esp. my heavenly Father. My whole childhood and most...