The begininng!!

 My name is Christina. 

I am Shining star for our Lord and King Jesus Christ.

I have ALWAYS been a shining star. I just didn't feel like his shining star. The light was dim because I didn't feed it properly.

I was born to wonderful parents., who just celebrated their 51st wedding anniversary July 4th. They still act like teenagers. In disagreements and agreements. The love that they have for each other is rooted in Christ.

I have an older sister and younger brother whom I am close with. Thank God. Of course growing up we certainly had our days that  people would look at us like are they really family.

 However at the end of the day our family's love was rooted deeply in Christ.

I accepted the Lord as my Savior when I was 12. I was so in love with him. However evil had entered my life when I was in kindergarten and did not leave until I was in 2nd grade. I was molested by the janitor at my elementary school. I did not tell anyone. See my my backyard touched the schoolgrounds, so when he said, "Don't your dare tell anyone. I know where you live and will come and kill you and your family." He did. So that was a serious threat to a 6 yr old. I am can say I don't really remember the act, just the pain afterwards. I am convinced that Jesus would come and take me away from that moment, because I remember fields of beautiful flowers and then I would be outside. However the pain and isolation were real. Not helping was my brother and sister, being a brother and sister picking on me. My self esteem was shot. It didn't take much for Satan to take my heart when I finished high school.

See I knew who could fill that hole I was longing to have filled, but I hated myself. I felt very unworthy, why would God love this disgusting girl. All lies from the master himself. But I fell hook, line, and sinker. I turned to drugs and sex instead of to my SOULMATE.

See even the saved fall. No one is perfect. No one has it ALL together. Book covers can be very deceiving. Ask my friends from high school or since I have been redeemed. They really don't believe parts of my testimony. 

I was lost for almost almost 25 years. However he sent me an incredible rescue, and I have never been the same.

As we start this journey together and I share more testimony; I pray that you are able to see that there is nothing too dirty that he can't wash white as snow. Ask humbly for your prayers. I will be praying for each of you. The journey is hard. However I personal guarantee you will not regret it. 

I will be praying for YOUR JOURNEY to the Table of Plenty.

Come home and lets start our eternity with the one who made us.



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