Good morning my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ.

Today we are going to talk about a topic that even makes me feel uncomfortable.

BITTERNESS - anger and disappointment at being treated unfairly; resentment.

Do you have BITTERNESS in your heart? 

Let's be honest we ALL have dealt with or still dealing with BITTERNESS in our lives. No one wants to admit to it. It is easier to say that we love everyone, but that is not the truth.

I know that seems harsh of me to say, right? Truth be told we  ALL have dealt with or is still dealing with BITTERNESS about something that someone did to us. I know I did and still do at times.

Bitterness creeps in like a thief waiting to drive a wedge between God and you. It binds us and takes hold so fast. It's not fair they got that promotion or that grade or that raise or that healing. The list just goes on and on. Always comparing ourselves to each other and then we are captive to it.

We need to let King Jesus Christ open our eyes so that we can see the enemy's hands at work. The enemy wants us to hold on to that BITTERNESS towards that person.

We have to seperate the problem from the person. If we hold onto the BITTERNESS then God can't take complete control of our lives that we say we have surrendered to Him. 

My brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ don't hold on the BITTERNESS. Forgive and forget whatever the situation is and was towards you. We do not get the right to not forgive. We MUST forgive and forget otherwise God won't forgive you. We must move King Jesus Christ in and move out the sin.

If you haven't invited KIng Jesus Christ into your BITTERNESS. Do it today. Don't wait.

Time is growing shorter and shorter everyday for your SALVATION and ETERNITY.

If anyone had a right to be BITTER it would be Abba Father, King Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. But they aren't. They are just love, just as you should be.

Ask the Holy Spirit to come and give you Holy Boldness and Confidence so that you can overcome any BITTERNESS in you life.



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