Where is my focus


Good evening my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ.

Oh how my FOCUS has been off lately.

So many things I know I need to get done, but no desire to do any of them.

I could make up a bunch of excuses why I am not doing them, but it all comes back to being lazy. Now don't get me wrong there is a day we should be lazy, Sunday, the Sabbath. God tells us to take rest. He did.

Now my main question today is where is your FOCUS when it comes to your spiritual life?

I know I have days where my FOCUS is not there. I have my eyes on something or someone else. Idol worship.

I will tell myself you need to be reading His word more or in prayer more. However I choose to pick up my phone and scroll through whatever. I keep telling myself I am about to do it, but I don't. Then I start to see things through a different lense and that lense is not good.

See my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ when we take our FOCUS off the prize,     ETERNITY WITH GOD IN HEAVEN, then the lense becomes tainted and blurry. We can get lost into what our flesh says is ok. The world is all doing it after all.

However we MUST see our lives through God's lenses. We MUST REFOCUS our attention back to our Creator.

The amazing thing is King Jesus Christ saw first hand how easy it was for us to become distracted, to lose FOCUS. That is why The Holy Spirit was given to us. 

The Holy Spirit is here to clear our vision, our sight, so we can see through God's lenses. 

Come home today and regain your SIGHT.

Come home today and regain the FOCUS Abba Father needs you to have!

Come home today and receive King Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior!

Ask the Holy Spirit into your life!

Regain what is important for your ETERNITY and that is GOD'S WILL!

Abba Father thank you for this day. Thank you for your gifts that you have given me. King Jesus Christ I am sorry for becoming lazy and unfocused on You. I ask that you enter my heart today and be my Savior. Holy Spirit come upon me today and be my eyes so I can see through God's lenses and not my own. May I FOCUS on you Lord and not myself. May Your Will be done in my life. I ask this in my Holy Savior's name. King Jesus Christ. Amen



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