Just say His Name. King Jesus Christ of Nazaerth


Good evening my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ.

We have made it to the end of our day. Thank You Lord.

It was again a very busy day. I am running from classroom to classroom. I should be about 10 lbs lighter in a few months. That would be nice, but really I am so exhausted at the end of my day. So much to get done at school. I have a whole new appreciation for the teachers and what they sacrifice for our kids. I needed to bring some work home to grade but I was like no. I have to balance time with my kid and the ministry. I know that Our Lord is going to help me.

Today I became very overwhelmed with what I have been asked to do at school. So I asked my spiritual mom to say a prayer for me.

She sent me back the most lovely prayer. It immediately brought me peace.

I have been asking the Holy Spirit to bring forth the things that I may be sinning, anything I am doing to make the enemy stay even though I have told him to leave in my Savior's Name.

AS I was winding down tonight and in prayer. The song by Natalie Grant "My Weapon" came to my mind. If you haven't heard this song, look it up.

The song is about how KING JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH is our weapon. He is standing right beside you waiting to come to battle for you. All you have to do is SAY HIS NAME. 

The enemy has to flee at the sound of His Name.

Then The Spirit nudged me further and said,"ARE YOU DOING SOMETHING THAT MAKES THE ENEMY STAY."

That hit me hard because I try to live for My God everyday. But the he continued, "THE MORE YOU "SHARE" WHAT IS GOING ON. THE MORE THE ENEMY WILL STAY."

I totally get what He means. The more I keep talking about my crazy schedule. The more it will be crazy and unsettled around me. I have to make a change. I have to let King Jesus Christ lead me and get out of the way. 

See the more we worry, the more we fear, the more we talk about things the enemy will keep  bringing the worry, fear, chaos, etc. back into our lives and we are right back stuck pleading to King Jesus Christ to get us out.

Now don't get me wrong. KIng Jesus Christ is still there waiting to help us. But maybe we could let the Spirit help us stay away from the enemy. 

Come home today my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ and let The Holy Spirit purify your heart. Let Him help you get to Heaven.

Let us pray

Abba Father thank You. Thanking You for a great day. King Jesus Christ thank You for being my Weapon. Thank You for conquering hell so that I can be with You in Heaven. Holy Spirit thank You for loving me and cleansing me. King Jesus Christ forgive me for having a crack so that the enemy can come back in. Forgive me for taking You for guaranteed. Holy Spirit come and cleanse my heart. Help me see the cracks in my life that keeps allowing the enemy to come back in. King Jesus Christ wash me in Your blood of sacrifice so that I am made white as snow again. I ask this in my Holy Savior's Name King Jesus Christ.



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