Open vessel for God

 Good evening my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ.

I know it has been a while since I posted but my son caught Covid. I was working and taking care of him at night. He is fine now and finally got back to school today. PRAISE GOD!

The teacher I will be working with started last week also. So the students finally have a teacher and can start learning.

I pray that God is doing amazing things in your life and through your life. If you think He isn't start a list of ALL the great things that happen to you in a day. Ask The Holy Spirit to remind you of those GREAT moments, even if it might have just seemed not so good at the time. God takes everything and turns it for His Glory.

Saturday turned into a day and a half. My son and me went to Target to get a prescription filled. Target is not my favorite place to shop. However it is the only place I know I can get this script for sure at. We were waiting for them to fill my script and my son says, "I am bored. I am going to walk around." I said ok. While he walking around he lost the car keys to the car in the store. I was so upset. 


As I was standing waiting on my script I heard a lady talking on her phone. The person she was talking to was in the hospital. The lady gets off the phone and I kinda followed her. Asked if I could pray for the person on the phone and what was she in the hospital for. She told me Kimmie and she had a heart attack. Please remember her in your prayers. 

I get my script and immediately started to look for my keys. As I push the shopping cart, I start to pray. Lord please help us. Then I turn the cart around the corner and a lady from church is standing there. She sings next to me at church. Her fiance went missing and died after a pipeline exploded and caught fire last weekend. I got to give her a hug and hold her. I get to speak some with her. 

Then we kept running into each other in the store. She started praying for us. 

We did find the keys not long after that.

The reason I am sharing this with you is because at first I was still so aggravated that my son lost the keys and now my whole day was off track. 

Then I got home and was telling my husband everything that had transpired. I mean he knew we lost the keys, but he didn't know the middle. 

Then The Spirit brought to the forefront about the TWO amazing things that happened. I get to pray for someone that needs prayer and I got to see my dear friend. If my son wouldn't have lost those keys. I would not have seen my friend and it probably would have been a while before I would see her again.

Then I started to realize not matter how the day starts. God ALWAYS makes His Glory known in your life. All you have to do is ask to be emptied of yourself so that you can be an open vessel for God. He is ready to use you. Are you ready to be used?

Let us pray.

Abba Father thank You for Monday. Thank you for giving us this day. King Jesus Christ thank You for giving us Our Bread of life. Thank You for dying and rising for me. Holy Spirit thank You filling me with God's purpose. King Jesus Christ please forgive me. Forgive me when I am selfish and ashamed to ask if someone could use prayer. Forgive me when I turn my back on someone in need. Holy Spirit pour over me Holy Assurance. Drain me of myself so that I can be FILLED WITH YOU GOD. I ask this in my Holy Savior's Name KIng Jesus Christ. Amen



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