
1st week of advent

  1 st Sunday leading up to King Jesus Christ’s birthday. The 1 st week of advent is when we are supposed to self-reflect and get ourselves ready for the birth of King Jesus Christ. I love the fact that many religions use this opportunity to help us become closer to God as we are waiting to celebrate His Son’s birth. I can’t help thinking though if you are waiting for a certain season to come for you to decide to self-reflect then maybe you should go deeper with Your Soulmate King Jesus Christ. Find him in your secret place everyday not just in a season. I believe that the Israelites were no different than us. They got bored with the same thing again and again. They didn’t seek the Lord God Almighty as he had directed them. He directs us the same way. We ALL become complacent in our walk with God. We think we are good. When we really aren’t. We want that great relationship with the one who made us, but we aren’t willing to put in the effort. We keep waiting and anticipati...


  My friends in King Jesus Christ may he anoint you in a way you have never been before. Today is not given and neither is tomorrow. What is given is that you will spend eternity somewhere. That somewhere will be either Heaven or Hell. This is where your FREE WILL that God gave you at birth that will let you make a choice. Good or Bad. Will I satisfy God or myself? Our amazing Father didn’t send us helpless or hopeless in making our choice. He sent his only begotten Son, King Jesus Christ to suffer, die, and be resurrected so that we may have eternity with him in Heaven. Then after all of that, King Jesus Christ ascended into Heaven. Then God sent us his Holy Spirit, our best friend. His voice when we stray. His help when we seem hopeless. His clam of peace when there seems to be none. Yet we fail to recognize him. The Holy Spirit is a real person. He walks with us. He talks with us. He shines his light for us when we get lost. He is our go between God and us. My friends in King Je...


  My friends in King Jesus Christ imagine you are walking down the street and you encounter this incredible man. He words are like nothing you have ever heard before. He moves in ways you have never seen before. He speaks for things your head cannot think of on your own. He has a peace about him that you have so long for. Do you recognize him? Can you tell who he is? Let me give you a tip. Look deep into his eyes. Are you looking? Can you see that King Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Son of God is standing talking to you? What if you were there with the people who got to see King Jesus Christ walk this earth? Would you have missed him? Would you have said yes to him? Would you have let his salvation get away from you as so many others did? It is hard for to imagine meeting him in flesh and not knowing who he is. I have seen King Jesus Christ. He visits children. His eyes are so full of love. His presence brings peace beyond anything you can ever feel on your own. ...


  IT’S NOT OVER TILL THE LORD SAYS ITS OVER!! I know some of us are struggling with what is next. How much more can I handle? I am not made for this. It will not happen for me. I give up. My friends in King Jesus Christ DON’T GIVE UP ! Keep pushing. Keep praising. Keep telling yourself and the situation you have in front of you I AM A CHILD OF GOD’S! IT IS NOT OVER TILL GOD SAYS IT’S OVER! YOU ARE NOT THE FOCUS OF MY LIFE KING JESUS IS! HE IS MY SAVIOR AND HE WILL MAKE A WAY! HE ALWAYS DOES! If you haven’t accepted King Jesus as your Savior and asked his Holy Spirit to be with you and fill you, then seek him today. King Jesus said in his gospel “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. ” Matt 7:7 Those weren’t words just fill a page or to fill in time. When King Jesus Christ speaks, he means what he said. The one who sent him made you also. God Almighty. He does not make mistakes. He is a purp...


  In adoration of Our King Jesus Christ today I was talking to him about the events of the world right now and he told him to read Daniel. So I began to read and Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego is what Our Lord brought my attention to. Then I heard him tell me. NO MATTER WHAT THE WORLD IS SHOWING I AM STILL STANDING WITH EVERYONE IN THE FIRE! NOW IS THE TIME TO MINISTER TO MY CHILDREN! LET THEM KNOW I AM ALWAYS WITH THEM IN THE FIRE! IF I AM IN THE FIRE WITH THEM, THEY WILL NOT BURN BUT BE SAVED ON THE LAST DAY! Daniel 3 My friends in King Jesus Christ if you are still on the fence. If you are not for him or against him, pick a side. Time is running short and if you haven't made your decision to be for him. Quickly the decision will be made for you and it will be against him. Yes we feel like we are in the fight or our lives and we are. Have no doubt about it. However, let me share this incredible news with you. King Jesus is with us. The Holy Spirit has not left the buil...

The Beatitudes

  Such a beautiful sermon from Our Lord! I imagine seeing His love and compassion as He spoke to the crowd. His eyes so full of love and His voice that calms the broken hearted. Let's take a look at them today asking The Holy Spirit to come and speak to us as we read them again. Matthew 5:3-12 1.    "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." These are the ones who recognize that they need God. They humble themselves before the Lord and say I can't do this without You. They will enter His Kingdom. 2    "Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be consoled." These are the ones that mourn their sins and ask for forgiveness. They know without forgiveness they lose that communion with God. Once you have asked and received His forgiveness then you will receive Salvation and eternity in Heaven. 3    "Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth." These are the ones who surrender ALL THEY HAVE TO GOD. They give God th...

Do you love me? King Jesus Christ s asking

John 21:15-17 15  When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter,  “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?” “Yes, Lord,” he said, “you know that I love you.” Jesus said,  “Feed my lambs.” 16  Again Jesus said,  “Simon son of John, do you love me?” He answered, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” Jesus said,  “Take care of my sheep.” 17  The third time he said to him,  “Simon son of John, do you love me?” Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time,  “Do you love me?”  He said, “Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.” Jesus said,  “Feed my sheep.    This scripture is so important on so many different levels today. King Jesus Christ is asking you 3 times today. Do you love me? Then feed My lambs. To feed My lambs is to bring the children to Me. Teach them about who I am. What I have for them. Don’t let this world take My place in their lives. guide...