1st week of advent
1 st Sunday leading up to King Jesus Christ’s birthday. The 1 st week of advent is when we are supposed to self-reflect and get ourselves ready for the birth of King Jesus Christ. I love the fact that many religions use this opportunity to help us become closer to God as we are waiting to celebrate His Son’s birth. I can’t help thinking though if you are waiting for a certain season to come for you to decide to self-reflect then maybe you should go deeper with Your Soulmate King Jesus Christ. Find him in your secret place everyday not just in a season. I believe that the Israelites were no different than us. They got bored with the same thing again and again. They didn’t seek the Lord God Almighty as he had directed them. He directs us the same way. We ALL become complacent in our walk with God. We think we are good. When we really aren’t. We want that great relationship with the one who made us, but we aren’t willing to put in the effort. We keep waiting and anticipati...