Make sure God is your main contact on your phone list


Good evening my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ.

I have been busy helping at school.

One of my duties right now is to enter the student's information cards into the computer. Their addresses, parents' names, guardian names, phone numbers, and emergency contacts.

The thought came to me. How many of us have God listed as our Emergency contact? Do you even have Him on your contact list? The list of people you tell when something happens. The people you call first, second, third, and so on.

There was a time in my life I can say God was not even on the list. If He was He was way down there. I would talk to Him or wouldn't even cry out to Him unless I was REALLY desperate.

I am so glad that He has redeemed me and saved me from that life.

Let's be for REAL for a moment. When the good, bad, or ugly happens to you. Where is God on your list to tell of these events?

When something good happens do you say, Lord thank You. This and that just happened and I know it came from you. OR do you tell everyone else and then acknowledge Him for what He has done for you.

When the bad and the ugly happen. Do you turn to God 1st and say Ok Lord I know you have a purpose for this and I know you already have a solution for it. I will wait on you. OR do you tell everyone else? Do you start to complain about it? Ask how can this be happening to me?

I know how easy it is to want to share with others 1st. 

I know in the good times it is easy to thank God 1st, but when it is the bad and ugly we generally don't want anything to do with God. We are like please go away.

My brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ today let's move God from the emergency contact list and move Him to the 1st contact position in our lives and watch the amazing things He will do for you when you put Him 1st.

Come home today and find your God waiting with open arms. Waiting to listen to everything that happened to you today. He will cry with you. He will laugh with you. He will comfort you.

Let us pray.

Abba Father thank You for making me. Thank You for allowing me to be who I am and creating a purpose in me. King Jesus Christ thank You for loving me through my happy times and my difficult times. Thank You for being my Savior. Holy Spirit thank You for helping me recognize the parts in me that need forgiving. King Jesus Christ forgive me for not making You a priority in EVERYTHING I do and say. Holy Spirit pour over Holy Structure so that I am able to do my Father's Will in a perfect pattern. I will do what You ask of me Abba Father. I am ready to serve for You. I ask this in my Holy Savior's Name King Jesus Christ. Amen



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