
The Holy Spirit your Best Friend Ever

  For   God   has not   given   us   a spirit   of fear,   but   of power,   love,   and   self-control . 2 Timothy 1:7 Remember you are safe in King Jesus Arms! Run to the arms of your Abba Father! Do not be afraid of anything in this world! King Jesus has already conquered it ALL! Run to your God! Holy Spirit give your peace to me that I know I am safe with You! My friends in King Jesus Christ have you ever thought about not doing something because fear has gripped you so bad that you can’t even move. You can’t think. You have no action because the enemy has told you that you can’t handle it. Well let me share this GREAT NEWS with you today. Not only can you, but you have the power in you to get it done. The Holy Spirit isn’t just some ghost or spirit. HE IS A REAL PERSON. Without Him so many things would not have happened. The world would not have life. He is whom God breathes into you when you are conceived in your mother’s womb. Noah would not have been abl

Every storm has a purpose

  Storms will come! Storms will go! However God is ALWAYS FAITHFUL through it ALL! Have you ever thought "why me Lord? Why do I have to continually go so many storms?" I will be honest there was a time in my life I thought why is God picking on me. Then I had to stop and realize, not ALL storms come from God. A lot of them I created for myself. When you are a fence rider or have totally turned your face away from God. These storms you create ALL on you on, but God still comes to your rescue when you call on Him. Looking back on my life during those times I asked God "Why did you save me? Why would you still want me to win? Haven't I shown my disloyal ways to you?" His answer is and ALWAYS will be, "BECAUSE YOU ARE MY CHILD AND EVEN THOUGH YOU MAY HAVE LOST FAITH IN YOURSELF. I HAVEN'T. I MADE YOU AND I KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU." See God knows EVERYTHING about. He knows when you are going to sin. He knows when you are going to run to Him and from H


 HAPPY  SAVIOR SONDAY!!! Hello my friends in King Jesus Christ. Today is the best day of the week. It is SONDAY! My King has paid my ransom and now I am free. Do you know how much God loves you? He loves you so much that He sent His only begotten Son to pay the ransom for our Salvation. WOW!!!!  King Jesus Christ has saved me more times than I can even count.  Guess what? King Jesus will keep saving you. The only thing He wants from you is your surrender to Him as your Lord and Savior. The road to salvation gets really winding and tangled if we try to do it ALL by ourselves. God NEVER promised us an easy road. He NEVER said that this world was our home. He NEVER said He would forsake or abandon us. God did say he would send us a Savior and a guide to get us home. King Jesus said " And   if   I go   and   prepare   a place   for you,   I will come   back   and   welcome   you   into   My presence,   so that   you   also   may be   where   I   am. " John 14:3 King Jesus did say


  MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN KING JESUS CHRIST DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU SERVE? Do you serve man? Do you serve your flesh? Do you serve your children? Do you serve your pets? Do you serve your spouse? The list could go on and on and on. I know we are all really quick to answer, "NO NOT ME, I SERVE GOD." Do you really?  Let's take a hard look at ourselves, me included. Let's say you get a call from anyone in the above list or someone else or something else to do. You were planning on doing something for God but the situation makes you stop. Do you tell them sorry I am going to pray, go to church, it's my time with God, or whatevere that looks for you spending time with your Abba. Except you decide that the other option is much more pleasing and decided to go do that. WHO are you serving? Did you just push God to the side to enjoy something other than time with him. Look I am so at fault for this exact thing. I don't even think about. I say of course and I don't e


SPEAK WORDS OF LIFE! SPEAK THE WORDS GOD HAS SPOKEN ABOUT US! YOU ARE FORGIVEN! YOU ARE REDEEMED BY THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB! YOU ARE IMPORTANT IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD! YOU ARE LOVED! YOU ARE A CHILD OF GOD’S! SPEAK THEM TO YOUR FRIENDS! SPEAK THEM TO YOUR CO-WORKERS! SPEAK THEM TO STRANGERS! MOST IMPORTANTLY SPEAK THEM OVER YOURSELF! My brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ do you know how important words can be to someone or yourself? Do you know that in the Kingdom of God words really matter?  Words must matter because the Holy Spirit inspired to have the Bible written, right? King Jesus spoke many words when He walked this earth before His resurrection and after. See we must read God's words, His truths, if we want to speak words of life to each other and ourselves. It is a easy road if  you know what God wants you to say when you have read His words already. Studied them in your secret place. We must be able to connect with The Holy Spirit and have an eagerness to want to be li

Reflecting on the past 50 years

  Today is my 50 th birthday, and I am sitting, reflecting, and praying on how gracious Our God has been to me. His enduring and everlasting love for me blows my mind. How many times I break His heart it can’t stop the love He has for me. King Jesus I am beyond words of gratefulness that you NEVER let me go. Your mercy you continued to show me when I was not showing you to anyone. I was so selfish, so trapped in fear of what the people in this world would think of me if they knew the truth about the things I did. I had no fear of you because I blocked you out of the picture, but you NEVER LET ME GO. I broke so many of Your Father’s commandments. Yet you still died on the cross for me and rose from the dead so I could have salvation. Holy Spirit thank you for ALWAYS being there for me. The danger you kept away from me when I didn’t even recognize you at all. I should be dead right now because of the choices I have made, but no that is not my story and now I get to have that won

King Jesus knows my name

  Remember when things look like you aren’t going to win! King Jesus knows your name and He won’t let you fail if you let him have THE WHOLE BATTLE, not just the part you want Him to have. YOU ARE LOVED YOU ARE AWESOME YOU ARE A CHILD OF GOD’S! HE KNOWS YOUR NAME! REMEMBER ALL BATTLE ARE THE LORD’S NOT YOURS! NOW SUIT UP WARRIORS AND GO IN KING JESUS CHRIST NAME FOR THE VICTORY! Have looked on the mirror lately. Have you seen how beautiful you are? How good King Jesus looks on you? Do you see Him in you? Is The Holy Spirit glowing in you like a super novae light? NO? LOOK AGAIN THIS TIME ASK GOD FOR HIS EYES, BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT HE SEES IN YOU. He sees His son in you. How you are walking, talking, sharing, loving, serving as He order us to. So, the next time the enemy comes calling tell HIM HOLD ON I AM GETTING KING JESUS ON THE LINE. He will flee, he must at the sound of our Savior’s name. LET MY DRY BONES COME TO LIFE FOR YOUR GLORIOUS KINGDOM TO