I have recently found a new hobby. MOWING I know must of you are thinking. New hobby really, how old are you? I am 50 years old and I suffer from severe allergies, especially to grass. Any type of grass, old, new, fresh cut, walk through grass. you name it. It makes my allergies flare up. when I was a kid growing up my parents would not even let me try to cut the grass. I can't lie. I was really happy about that. Now I love it. Great exercise. Make me feel like I am helping out my dad and my husband. As I was mowing today I looked at the battery life on the lawn mower. It started off completely full then as it is supposed to it drained. Here lately it has drained way faster than normal. I was watching the red light and praying God let me at least get this part and then it can go on the charger till tomorrow morning. Then The Holy Spirit started talking to me. He said HOW MANY TIMES ARE YOU FULLY CHARGED FOR YOUR LORD AND YOU GO AND GO AND GO. YOU GET...