Where does my help come from?

Good evening my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ. I am praying everyone is ok. I am praying that we are loving our neighbors as ourselves even the neighbors that you don't like. Actually, make sure you are praying for the neighbor you don't like. I am praying that the Holy Spirit washes ALL OF US with the fruits and gifts with which we are equipped with, to handle the fiery darts thrown our way in these dark days. I am here to make a confession that I am at fault for not being so understanding at times. I have been trapped too many times. I don't want to be that person. I want live as King Jesus Christ has shown. My desire is to be quick to listen, so that The Holy Spirit can help me hear and to be slow to answer. Slow to answer so that The Holy Spirit can speak for me. My brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ be aware of the enemy. He comes to divide and he knows scripture, and he knows the words King Jesus Christ spoke. And if a house be divided against...