Good evening my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ. I pray this day of Our Lord's has been a wonderful day so far. Most of us looking forward to a couple of days off. It's the weekend. No work, maybe a day to yourself, maybe you are going somewhere to have fun, maybe there's an event you have been looking forward to. Some may not be looking forward to it, because they have to work, you may be running around to kid's baseball/softball/tee ball games, you may have to clean your house, you may have to attend an event you are not looking forward to. The list good or bad could go on. Let me ask you a question. When you go out, do you go out with the Holy Spirit guiding you? King Jesus Christ light on in you? Do you radiant for Him? Are you the vessel he needs you to be? Being vessel for the Kingdom of God looks different for all of us. Some of us are shy, while others have no problem talking to anyone. Funny story my husband use to tell me, "Do you really have...