

  Good evening my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ. I pray the start of this week has been good and I pray this is a week full of God's AWE. I started back at school today. It is a new school year. Gearing up for the students to return on Friday. For those of you who may not know I am a paraprofessional in a SPED classroom. I actually do whatever is needed at school. Some think I am crazy for saying, "just put me where you need me." I just love to serve and I love to do whatever King Jesus Christ needs from me for that day. I have always been this way, but there was a time I would say that not because I wanted to be where Christ needed me. I wanted to fit in. I wanted everyone to like me so I would let people walk all over me in the process.   Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2 St Paul told the Ro

King Jesus Christ and my heart

Good evening my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ. Do you feel like you are missing something? Do you feel like you will never find true happiness? My husband and me just talked about this exact subject Monday. He said I just want to be happy. I told him happiness comes and goes. It is the Joy of the Lord that will keep that feeling for you. Then I came across this conversion I had with my son last year. My son came home yesterday and said they had a discussion in class whether money can buy you happiness. He said half the class said no and the other half said yes. He said his answer would be no, because no matter how much money you have to buy yourself whatever you would want. The feeling you get when you buy something. It is gone really quick. I said very good. Then I asked him do you know the difference between Joy and happiness. He said yes. Joy comes from God and happiness comes from material things. No money can't buy happiness. Now I know some disagree with that opin

The KING of the WORLD

Good evening my brothers and sister. I pray this finds you all well. I had the writing below pop up on my Facebook memory from 2 years ago. I know a lot of you may wonder why I always refer to Jesus Christ  of Nazareth as King Jesus Christ. I will share with you an encounter I had with Him one day in my kitchen. It was January 2021 when He spoke to me and said. I NEED THE WORLD TO KNOW MY DEITY, TO BE REMINDED THAT I AM KING OF THIS WORLD. I AM ALSO KING OF EVERYTHING. I AM KING OF YOUR HEART, MIND, SOUL. WHEN YOU REFER TO ME AS KING IT REMINDS THE EVIL ONE OF WHO I AM. IT WILL HELP REMIND YOU OF WHO I AM. I AM COMING AND ALL WILL KNOW AND WILL BOW DOWN BEFORE THE TRUE KING OF THIS WORLD. JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH. Of course it took some getting use to. There were times I didn't refer to Him as King Jesus and when I didn't the Holy Spirit sure let me know. I would get this nudge in my stomach like what are you doing. Didn't your King give you an order. Before I knew it, it j

God turns our insufficiency into sufficiency

  Good evening my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ. I pray your weekend was filled with Joy and peace. I know sometimes they aren't.  Tell me are you feeling empty, like Lord please don't give me anything else. I have nothing more to offer. I am drained and this plate you have in front of me is too much. I know I have those times. Actually in these last few years it has felt like more than I can count. Times when I don't know if a bill will be paid or how can I talk of His Goodness when I don't feel His Goodness. Yesterday at church our readings were from 1 Kings 4 where Elisha tells the servant to give the people food to eat. The servant refuses because He says they don't have enough to feed them. Elisha tells the servant there will be enough with food leftover. The servant did as he was told and sure enough there was enough with food leftover. The Gospel we read was Jn 6 the feeding of the 5,000. We see the King Jesus Christ telling the apostles to feed t

Now is not the time to be a Lukewarm Christian

  Good evening my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ. Things are starting to get more real by the day. I have a question for you. Are you a faker or believer? Are you a fencer rider? Do you lie to yourself and say you have all the time in the world to get it right? I know I used to. I used to be scared to offend people. I used to say well if they don't ask, it's not up to me to tell. I used to hide what I knew the truth in the Bible tells us. I wanted to be liked by the world instead of being loved by God. See when we finally SEE as King Jesus Christ does , we realize that riding the fence is the most dangerous thing a Christian can do. Fence riders fall to hell. King Jesus says to the church Laodicea. “I know your work; I know that you were neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either cold or hot. So, because you were lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth. For you say, ‘I am rich and affluent and have no need of anything,’ and yet you do not re

God will RESTORE!

  Good evening my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ. I am sitting here watching the rain fall and speaking to a precious sister of mine in the Lord. As we were talking the subject of RESTORATION came up.  I have been spending a lot of time with my son since it has been raining so much where I live. My yard is starting to look like a lake. I want to spend as much time as I can with him before he gets to that age where he doesn't want to hang with his mom anymore. As I watch this rain fall and think about what waste of a day it might bring. It makes me think of the years I wasted being away from God. The days I wish I could have back so that I wouldn't lose any time with Him.  Do you know what I am talking about? The years, the days, the time one chooses their own desires  and not God's Will. Now don't get me wrong. Some of these times one may have been in survival mode. Just trying to get by. Maybe someone else hadn't been introduced to King Jesus Christ yet.

Our Redeemer lives - King Jesus Christ

  Good evening my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ. I pray your week as been a great week and you were able to testify about the goodness of our God. I know there has been a lot of challenges this week for my family and me. However I know God has a plan for everything and He is in control of everything. He will not leave me by the waste side.  As a great lady and my spiritual mom, Mrs. Nancy, tells me all the time. "No matter how it works out. God still loves you." True facts my brothers and sisters true facts. One comfort I do have is that I know my REDEEMER LIVES. I know That He is by my side and helping me every second of every day. Do you know you have a REDEEMER? Do you know who your REDEEMER is? Do you know that your REDEEMER LIVES? Do you know that He would do anything for, even die for you? Your REDEEMER IS KING JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH. He would do anything for you.  Yes He died for you and me. He descended into hell and conquered satan then rose from the di