Open vessel for God

Good evening my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ. I know it has been a while since I posted but my son caught Covid. I was working and taking care of him at night. He is fine now and finally got back to school today. PRAISE GOD! The teacher I will be working with started last week also. So the students finally have a teacher and can start learning. I pray that God is doing amazing things in your life and through your life. If you think He isn't start a list of ALL the great things that happen to you in a day. Ask The Holy Spirit to remind you of those GREAT moments, even if it might have just seemed not so good at the time. God takes everything and turns it for His Glory. Saturday turned into a day and a half. My son and me went to Target to get a prescription filled. Target is not my favorite place to shop. However it is the only place I know I can get this script for sure at. We were waiting for them to fill my script and my son says, "I am bored. I am going to wa...