Happy Surrender Sonday

Good afternoon my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ! Happy Sonday! Today is my favorite day of the week. It is the day I get to go to church and thank God for ALL He has done for me this past week. I get to give Him PRAISE AND HONOR! Today is a great day to SURRENDER to Him. I find myself taking things back I have SURRENDER to Him or I hold things back from full SURRENDER to Him. I am not quite sure why I do that. However I am getting better at it. The Holy Spirit definitely has been helping me with it. When I start to doubt and pull my SURRENDER BACK. He is there to nudge me and say. HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING? WHY ARE YOU DOUBTING WHAT WE HAVE ALREADY SHOWN YOU THAT WE CAN DO!. Then I immediately say ALL TO KING JESUS CHRIST I SURRENDER! SURRENDER is another one of those things that is hard. We want things to move faster than how God might be moving at that time. So we think hey I can do this faster and better. But we know that isn't true. When we take our SURRENDER b...