
Showing posts from July, 2024

The KING of the WORLD

Good evening my brothers and sister. I pray this finds you all well. I had the writing below pop up on my Facebook memory from 2 years ago. I know a lot of you may wonder why I always refer to Jesus Christ  of Nazareth as King Jesus Christ. I will share with you an encounter I had with Him one day in my kitchen. It was January 2021 when He spoke to me and said. I NEED THE WORLD TO KNOW MY DEITY, TO BE REMINDED THAT I AM KING OF THIS WORLD. I AM ALSO KING OF EVERYTHING. I AM KING OF YOUR HEART, MIND, SOUL. WHEN YOU REFER TO ME AS KING IT REMINDS THE EVIL ONE OF WHO I AM. IT WILL HELP REMIND YOU OF WHO I AM. I AM COMING AND ALL WILL KNOW AND WILL BOW DOWN BEFORE THE TRUE KING OF THIS WORLD. JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH. Of course it took some getting use to. There were times I didn't refer to Him as King Jesus and when I didn't the Holy Spirit sure let me know. I would get this nudge in my stomach like what are you doing. Didn't your King give you an order. Before I knew it, it j...

God turns our insufficiency into sufficiency

  Good evening my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ. I pray your weekend was filled with Joy and peace. I know sometimes they aren't.  Tell me are you feeling empty, like Lord please don't give me anything else. I have nothing more to offer. I am drained and this plate you have in front of me is too much. I know I have those times. Actually in these last few years it has felt like more than I can count. Times when I don't know if a bill will be paid or how can I talk of His Goodness when I don't feel His Goodness. Yesterday at church our readings were from 1 Kings 4 where Elisha tells the servant to give the people food to eat. The servant refuses because He says they don't have enough to feed them. Elisha tells the servant there will be enough with food leftover. The servant did as he was told and sure enough there was enough with food leftover. The Gospel we read was Jn 6 the feeding of the 5,000. We see the King Jesus Christ telling the apostles to feed t...

Now is not the time to be a Lukewarm Christian

  Good evening my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ. Things are starting to get more real by the day. I have a question for you. Are you a faker or believer? Are you a fencer rider? Do you lie to yourself and say you have all the time in the world to get it right? I know I used to. I used to be scared to offend people. I used to say well if they don't ask, it's not up to me to tell. I used to hide what I knew the truth in the Bible tells us. I wanted to be liked by the world instead of being loved by God. See when we finally SEE as King Jesus Christ does , we realize that riding the fence is the most dangerous thing a Christian can do. Fence riders fall to hell. King Jesus says to the church Laodicea. “I know your work; I know that you were neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either cold or hot. So, because you were lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth. For you say, ‘I am rich and affluent and have no need of anything,’ and yet you do not re...

God will RESTORE!

  Good evening my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ. I am sitting here watching the rain fall and speaking to a precious sister of mine in the Lord. As we were talking the subject of RESTORATION came up.  I have been spending a lot of time with my son since it has been raining so much where I live. My yard is starting to look like a lake. I want to spend as much time as I can with him before he gets to that age where he doesn't want to hang with his mom anymore. As I watch this rain fall and think about what waste of a day it might bring. It makes me think of the years I wasted being away from God. The days I wish I could have back so that I wouldn't lose any time with Him.  Do you know what I am talking about? The years, the days, the time one chooses their own desires  and not God's Will. Now don't get me wrong. Some of these times one may have been in survival mode. Just trying to get by. Maybe someone else hadn't been introduced to King Jesus Christ yet....

Our Redeemer lives - King Jesus Christ

  Good evening my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ. I pray your week as been a great week and you were able to testify about the goodness of our God. I know there has been a lot of challenges this week for my family and me. However I know God has a plan for everything and He is in control of everything. He will not leave me by the waste side.  As a great lady and my spiritual mom, Mrs. Nancy, tells me all the time. "No matter how it works out. God still loves you." True facts my brothers and sisters true facts. One comfort I do have is that I know my REDEEMER LIVES. I know That He is by my side and helping me every second of every day. Do you know you have a REDEEMER? Do you know who your REDEEMER is? Do you know that your REDEEMER LIVES? Do you know that He would do anything for, even die for you? Your REDEEMER IS KING JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH. He would do anything for you.  Yes He died for you and me. He descended into hell and conquered satan then rose fr...

Eternity with God

  Good evening my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ. I pray that everyone is good and safe. There were so many different topics we talked about at my brothers. One of the topics being discussed was his oldest son graduates this coming year. His mom was on him about research of colleges and what their programs are and what they have to offer. The question from us was, "Where are you going to college? What will be your major?"  Now on the other hand my niece is going into her 2nd year at college. She is in pre-med. Seems to know exactly what her 5, 10, 15, 20 year plan is. Have you had people ask you,"Where do you see yourself in 5, 10, 15, 20 years from now? I have especially heard these question at job interviews. I never really knew how to answer them because I don't have a plan like that. I live day to day. Relying on God to get me to the next. It drives my husband crazy. It drives my dad crazy at times also. Now don't get me wrong it is great to have p...

Rest in The Lord

  Good evening my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ. I am home from visiting my brother and his family. It was a wonderful visit. Eye opening at times, revealing at times, however it was mostly great conversations and laughing. They have 4 kids and I have my one. So to watch them all enact with each other was great.  I can imagine that is how God sees us. At times it is wonderful to watch His children enacting with each other. Times that we make Him happy and other times make Him sad and still other times very angry. Thank You Lord at the end of the day You still love us. Just as we should still love one another. Yesterday's journey home was a very long journey. My parents coolant tank we found out has cracks in it. We found out because all of sudden the car overheated. God was still there with us as He always is. The first time we had to pull over was in a parking lot of a warehouse that sold items to grocery stores and convenience stores. The gentleman who ran the wa...

Give me s sign God!

  Good evening my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ. I have been enjoying my time visiting with my brother and his family. I know I missed my blog yesterday but my mind as been so drained and the rest has been wonderful. I had a friend talk to me about signs today. I started to think about signs. Signs I thought God was sending me and signs God did send to me but I missed because I wanted it to be a different sign. Do you know what I am talking about? I missed out on so many things in my life. I got my feelings hurt so many times because I wasn't intune into The Holy Spirit. In better words I wasn't relying on The Spirit for my discernment. I was relying on my own understanding. Oh boy does that get you into things you really don't want to be in or need to be in.  See my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ, God will send you signs. He sometimes sends them clearly and other times not so much. The best way to see any sign from God is to be living in The Spirit s...

God loves You!

  Good evening my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ. I finally made it to my brothers and it has been wonderful visiting.  I just wanted to drop a quick note and remind you. Abba Father loves you! King Jesus Christ loves you! The Holy Spirit loves you! I love you! Go and rest knowing that whatever you are needing and asking for. God is already on it and has assigned His Angels to you. LET MY DRY BONES COME TO LIFE FOR YOUR GLORIOUS KINGDOM TODAY!

God makes paths straight

  Good evening my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ. My family and me have made it to the hotel for the night. We will continue on to my brother's in the morning. As my mom was driving today we missed an exit and had to go a little out of the way to get back on the right path. Have you ever lost your way? Was it a while before you found your way back to where you were supposed to be? I know I have. I lost my way from Our Lord for almost 30 years. I went and lived in my flesh and the world. I would like to say it was because of the enemy, but it wasn't. He was there, but I was very much a willing participant with everything he put in front of me. However King Jesus Christ hunted me down like the True Savior He is. He sent a rescue to my life. He picked me back up, dusted me off, and set me back on the straight path. My brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ if you are feeling lost. Know that there is Someone. Some bodies who are One that want you to know that They can...

Finish the race! God is with you!

Good afternoon my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ. Today has been busy. Getting ready to live for vacation with my parents and son. Heading to  see my brother, sister-in-law, niece, and nephews. We are so excited. It has been a couple of years since we have seen them all. First thing I did was get my parent's and my yard mowed, the tricky thing is there is a hurricane about 2 hours down the road from us.  My brothers and sisters in Texas know I am praying for ya'll.  My mom didn't really want my dad and me to do it. However my dad was like I don't want the grass to be over grown so people will think there is nobody here. So I got up at 7:00am and started. He only wanted the parts people could see mowed.  As I was mowing The Spirit spoke to me and said YOU NEED TO FINISH THE WHOLE THING. I was like OK. So then I started to think, "How does this compare to my spiritual life." Then He showed me the answer. See my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Chris...

I am made WORTHY through King Jesus Christ!

  Good evening my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ. Do you consider yourself   WORTHY ? WORTHY   seems like a heavy word sometimes.  When it comes to this world we fell like we are so   WORTHY   of all the empty promises it has to hold. I know I have fell into this trap before and at time still do. Then that is when I lose my WORTHINESS to God. Let's talk about us losing  WORTHINESS . Ever since Adam and Eve took the bite of the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil we became so dumb. We are shown that what the world finds WORTHY   isn't what Our God sees as WORTHY. The world shows us things like being popular, having the best house, having the perfect job, having the newest of everything, etc. These things that the world says we are WORTHY of will fade away. Why should we allow the enemy to lower us to be only WORTHY of things that fade? My God says we are WORTHY because of HIS GRACE, MERCY,...

I will turn SURVIVE into THRIVE through God!

Good afternoon my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ. It is Saturday. We have made another week. I don't know about you, but there are times I feel like I am only SURVIVING. Just trying to make it from one day to the other. Sometimes it feels like I am making it one minute to the next minute. However we should only be living day to day. Not looking back or forward.  King Jesus Christ said, "DO NOT WORRY ABOUT TO TOMORROW, FOR TOMORROW WILL WORRY ABOUT ITSELF. EACH DAY HAS ENOUGH TROUBLE OF ITS OWN." Matt 6:34 The question is why do we feel like we are always in SURVIVAL MODE? My answer would be because I forget to let God have control. I forget that I am supposed to be living in His Plan. I forget that He has it taken care of it already. Abba Father just wants your heart and your trust in Him. He wants to see you happy. Happy when things are good and happy when things are bad.  Do you know how to do that? It is hard when you keep trying to do everything on your own...

I will wear my crown!

  Good afternoon my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ. Today is a great day because it is THE DAY THE LORD HAS MADE!  LET US REJOICE AND BE GLAD IT IN! Psalm 118:24 Some days, maybe even today you don't feel like rejoicing. You feel like hiding away from the world because it has trampled upon you. We seem to think we are entitled to what the world says is ours. The world is evil and it is our flesh that tells us these things. I know I have had more days of these then I can count. I would rather sit and hide from God thinking how could He let me go through this again and again. However when I think about it, it was me who kept thinking I was entitled to what this world has to offer. What I needed to do was straighten my crown look the situation in the face and say,  "I AM A CHILD OF ABBA FATHER'S. I AM A BRIDE OF KING JESUS CHRIST. THE HOLY SPIRIT IS IN ME AND WITH ME SO LET'S GO." Do you know that you have a crown that you should be wearing?  A crown give...

Freedom is found in King Jesus Christ

  HAPPY FREEDOM DAY MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN KING JESUS CHRIST! Here in the United States we are celebrating our freedom as a country. We are so thankful to God for allowing us to be free in this country. It was bought at the price of several men and women who fought our freedom. However today I want to recognize the MAN Who gave us our TRUE FREEDOM. King Jesus Christ of Nazareth! He came into this world knowing that He was going to suffer a death that we really can't wrap our heads around. He suffered tremendous amount of pain so that we can have FREEDOM from what this world tries to bind us in. King Jesus Christ endured rejection, ridicule, name calling, hatred just so that we could be delivered from sin. He went to the cross and died. However that was not the end of His Story. He went to the grave for 3 days. While He was there He conquered satan. He opened the gates to Heaven. Then He rose in TRIUMPH FROM THE GRAVE. Is there something that is holding you back from TRUE FREEDO...

Where is my focus

  Good evening my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ. Oh how my FOCUS has been off lately. So many things I know I need to get done, but no desire to do any of them. I could make up a bunch of excuses why I am not doing them, but it all comes back to being lazy. Now don't get me wrong there is a day we should be lazy, Sunday, the Sabbath. God tells us to take rest. He did. Now my main question today is where is your FOCUS when it comes to your spiritual life? I know I have days where my FOCUS is not there. I have my eyes on something or someone else. Idol worship. I will tell myself you need to be reading His word more or in prayer more. However I choose to pick up my phone and scroll through whatever. I keep telling myself I am about to do it, but I don't. Then I start to see things through a different lense and that lense is not good. See my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ when we take our FOCUS off the prize,      ETERNITY WITH GOD IN HEAVEN, the...

God is ALWAYS there

  Good evening my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ. Let's talk about how God is really there even when we can't seem to feel Him. When we think He has abandoned us. I know I have felt this way. Even parts of today felt this way. I have been trying all day to write this and I kept getting confused and mad because I was praying and He wasn't answering me. But in the silence He was answering me. He was telling me to be still and to stop worrying. The truth be told it was me who had abandoned Him. GOD IS ALWAYS THERE! Abba Father is ALWAYS AVAILABLE to His children. King Jesus Christ is ALWAYS AVAILABLE to His brides. The Holy Spirit is ALWAYS AVAILABLE to you. They are really only a hand/fingertip away. God TRULY CARES for you everyday. He wants to know about that situation that broke your heart. He wants to know about that relationship you are in. He wants to know what your struggles are and He wants to help you overcome them. He wants to know your happy parts of th...

Why me Lord? I am a sinner.

  Good afternoon my brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ Have you ever thought "WHY WOULD SOMEONE WANT ME?" Have you ever thought "WHY WOULD GOD CHOOSE ME? I AM A SINNER." Guess what! WE  are ALL sinners. No one is more of a sinner than the next. WE are ALL sinners and God knows this.  He chooses us not because of who we are, but because of who He made us to be. We are His children and it is about time we start acting like it. So what does it look like to ACT LIKE CHILD OF GOD'S? What is it that He ask of us? I would say not much, but for some it is a lot. You must die to yourself.  Take up your cross. Ask for His forgiveness and try to sin no more. (remember He isn't look for perfection, He is just looking for you) You must SURRENDER to King Jesus Christ and ACCEPT HIM AS YOUR LORD AND SAVIOR. Receive the Holy Spirit and let Him live in you and through you. God has made us in His imagine and with a purpose. He has a plan for that purpose. You may think...