The KING of the WORLD

Good evening my brothers and sister. I pray this finds you all well. I had the writing below pop up on my Facebook memory from 2 years ago. I know a lot of you may wonder why I always refer to Jesus Christ of Nazareth as King Jesus Christ. I will share with you an encounter I had with Him one day in my kitchen. It was January 2021 when He spoke to me and said. I NEED THE WORLD TO KNOW MY DEITY, TO BE REMINDED THAT I AM KING OF THIS WORLD. I AM ALSO KING OF EVERYTHING. I AM KING OF YOUR HEART, MIND, SOUL. WHEN YOU REFER TO ME AS KING IT REMINDS THE EVIL ONE OF WHO I AM. IT WILL HELP REMIND YOU OF WHO I AM. I AM COMING AND ALL WILL KNOW AND WILL BOW DOWN BEFORE THE TRUE KING OF THIS WORLD. JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH. Of course it took some getting use to. There were times I didn't refer to Him as King Jesus and when I didn't the Holy Spirit sure let me know. I would get this nudge in my stomach like what are you doing. Didn't your King give you an order. Before I knew it, it j...